sam i am
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Showing posts with label charms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charms. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

more charms available...

click on picture for a closer view

While the clouds were passing was good to sit inside and put together more charms :)

I know..I know..I should be cleaning.. and getting things ready for our trip.. but I will most likely wait til the last minute to do that... I just hate passing up a good cloudy, misty's the perfect time for doodling.. painting..creating...

Here's what I've whipped up.. if anyone is interested..please email me...

Bubbles come with 24 inch ballchain necklace..
24 inch silverplated ballchain necklaces available now for $2 extra
top.. left to right:
"I Love Junk"
"B'cuz I said so!"
bottom .. left to right:
"Crazy 4 U"
"ooo la la "
"I love Dogs"
"I love Cats"
$20 each

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

..more objets d'art...

.... i keep hearing that "Tiny Bubbles" song play thru my mind :)
More Objets d' promised..
a larger 'bubble' with your choice of initial.. featuring two vintage kids.. backed with various scrapbook paper.
A black Initial on a 'wood block'.. hand soldered..and polished..and comes with a 24 inch ball chain.
Email to purchase or ask questions..
$16 will come giftwrapped
Please add $2 for shipping (first class)


click twice on the arrow to enjoy the sounds of Don Ho:


Today's found beauty in my yard..
a little leaf.. still wearing the morning's dew drops.. rests on an old weathered bench..
this leaf pretty much sums up my week.
feeling fragile.
on the edge of tears.
emotionally delicate.
a drift.
a long way from home.
showing signs of wear.
holding it all in.
letting go.

"It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily
existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to
us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts."
~K.T. Jong