click on picture for a closer view
While the clouds were passing was good to sit inside and put together more charms :)
I know..I know..I should be cleaning.. and getting things ready for our trip.. but I will most likely wait til the last minute to do that... I just hate passing up a good cloudy, misty's the perfect time for doodling.. painting..creating...
Here's what I've whipped up.. if anyone is interested..please email me...
Bubbles come with 24 inch ballchain necklace..
24 inch silverplated ballchain necklaces available now for $2 extra
top.. left to right:
"I Love Junk"
"B'cuz I said so!"
bottom .. left to right:
"Crazy 4 U"
"ooo la la "
"I love Dogs"
"I love Cats"
$20 each