Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Off to Oregon....
We are off bright and early this morning...driving the RV up to Oregon!!! IM SO EXCITED and TITILLATED!! heehheee
We'll be stopping at and visiting with some goood friends, Christy and her "Elf".. hittin' the town in Portlandia..enjoying lots of libations such as the one pictured above ;) .. and hoping for some nice yummy fall weather :)
Then it's off to the Coast.. Waldport to be exact, for a couple of nites. Can't wait to see the Oregon Coast!
Then we'll slowly make our way down Hwy. 1... stopping in Manchester Bay...San Fran.. Monterey.. Ohhhh the Places we'll Go!! :)
So check back for photos.. maybe next week?
I hope everyone is enjoying their Fall..and I hope you're all out there taking pictures of things that make you smile :)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Escape with me to Big Bear
~Big Bear Lake~
ahhhhh...Tim and I escaped to Big Bear this past week..and had the pleasure of cuddling up in the RV while listening to the pitter patter of raindrops on our roof :)
Such a sweet sound...especially when rain or any sort of moisture is rare in southern California!
Oh how I miss the downpours..the sideways rainstorms..the wind..the excitement of the East Coast weather fronts that used to blow thru :(
While Tim "worked" ..I got to explore and make new friends.. such as the one below that I nicknamed "Gimpy".
Gimpy had a back right foot that was swollen and caused him to walk with a gimp..and he even sat funny! He loved the tortilla chips and leftover dog food that I found..and trusted me enough to come right up and take it from my hand :)
(Tippy can never see these pictures or know of this..or he would never purr for me again!!)
Simple things such as clouds after a storm..and the delicate flowers that surrounded our campsite kept me and my camera busy while I relaxed.
I can't wait to return..maybe in November.. and hope for a chance of snow flakes to fall...ahhhhhh life is good :)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Surf and Sand...
Monday, April 06, 2009
Spankings Needed!
I've been a very bad blogger!!!
thats about the only creative thing i've done!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Carrizo Badlands Mud Caves in Arroyo Tapiado
If you are ever in the Anza Borrego just GOTTA go explore the Mud caves
Quoting from the website: "One of the most fascinating points of interest in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park are the Arroyo Tapiado Mud Caves. Arroyo Tapiado, translated from Spanish, means “walled wash.” The Mud Caves are found along the walls of this wash canyon. One of the most extensive mud cave systems in the world, they contain approximately 22 known caves and 9 slot canyons.
The length of the caves varies, with some extending over 1000 feet and featuring ceilings as high as 80 feet. Caves have been reported up to 35 feet wide, and others so narrow, you have to squeeze through openings. Multi-level caves with skylights have been found, where erosion has created an opening, or sinkhole, in the ceiling of the cave. Some of the caves are fairly easy to navigate while others may require you to crawl in sections.
Getting There:
4WD is recommended. Some non-4WD vehicles have driven into the beginning of the canyon, but to drive through the canyon you will need 4WD.
The Arroyo Tapiado Mud Caves are located in the southern part of the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.
-Take the S2 (from the 8 head North) to mile marker 43
-Take the Palm Springs or Vallecito Wash exit (dirt road heading East)
-Approximately 4.5 miles in, you will see a sign that says Arroyo Tapiado (on the left)
-Go left at the Arroyo Tapiado Wash which will be heading North
-Continue on Arroyo Tapiado Wash Road until you reach the canyon area where the caves are located. ""
This place was just the coolest ever! I can't wait to go back again and spend more time 'spelunking' heheheeh.. there were just so many to explore.. it would be great to camp right outside the cave entrance so that you can explore all day and then at dusk watch the bats fly out of them!!!
We encountered a 4wheel Toyota group of about 10 vehicles making their way thru the trails and to Diablo Drop Off.. there was even a spot along the way that we called the 'squeeze' because of huge rocks in the way..and we had to squeeze, climb and make our way over a verrrrrry tight, scary place. But, we made it and didn't get stuck! Can't say that for the Toyota group.. a few had to be wenched and towed out of the sand!! heheehe snicker..
After a couple of nites in the desert..we stopped at Vail Lake on the way home and spent the nite there. Here we got to enjoy the sounds of coyotes off in the distance..the hooting of the Owls, and the tap-tap-tapping of the Woodpecker in a nearby tree :)
In the I wandered over to the riding stables that they have on the Vail Lake property to pet the ponies :) ... i came upon a pack of coyotes all frolicking around the pond! I think there were about 6-7 of them.. playing..and running around..and investigating the edge of the pond! I could only get a couple of pics of them.. before I scared them off :(
Hope you enjoy the slideshow...and I hope you get a chance to get away for a weekend and Explore :)
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Home at Last...
pardon the sand spilling out from my jean cuffs..
and the windblown hairstyle..
and my laid-back attitude..
but I've just returned from a week at the beach..and will need some time to re-adjust to 'life' :)
I figured by making a might be easier to post instead of allllll of those pictures...
We had a great time..the cool weather..the ocean surf..even waking up to the pitter-patter of raindrops on our RV roof was just heaven to my ears :)
I hope I can get the sand outta my head and buckle back down to work here soon..
someone shake me..
shake me hard.
Thank you to Natalie and Arlene for identifying this yucky, gross bug!! :)
Its a "Jerusalem Cricket' or potato bug...
now I can go back to hiding under my covers ...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
been playing...
... we went to Vail Lake last weekend..and had fun playing in the hills and wildflowers..
and also with our new 'toy'.. a Jeep!
Now we will be able to tow it behind the rv..and be able to go exploring on our little trips that we take! Im soooo excited! :)
There's been times on our trips we would have liked a car to get into town or to go exploring with..and sometimes those things are just too far to do on a bicycle. Well..we found a used Jeep at a local dealership here and just had to jump on it!
Now Tim will have something to play with and 'trick out'.. he can't wait to start pimpin' his ride! lol
This new toy brings back such great memories.... Tim used to have a 1949 Willies jeep when we were dating..and we used to have SOOOO much fun getting into trouble with that thing!!
I don't know how many farmers back-40's we've plowed thru..or some real deep mud pits that we had to be pulled outta..and rock piles we've climbed over..and even slammed it into a snowbank once (not on purpose)..and ended filling the back end of the poor jeep with a bunch of snow from hitting the bank!
ahhhhhhhh...the fun...
I think we'll take much better care of this one tho... and no snowbanks to run into lol
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Anza Borrego Desert Pics
if you want to escape and get away from it ALL...
then head to the desert!!
We felt like we had this whole area to was sooo remote and private and Q U I E T !
Jack rabbits the size of our dog!!
Cactus' galore!
Then we spent a nite at Lake Skinner in Temecula...
Tippy.. lickin' his chops.. wanting sooooo badly to catch a bird!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Home at last....
I told Tim in my next lifetime..I am coming back as a Park Ranger for Yosemite!!! I could sooooo easily spend the rest of my days there..the scenery amazing..the views spectacular..the air clean and fresh.. its like heaven on earth!
We are already planning our next trip there in May for our anniversary. By then the waterfalls will be gushing..the Merced River will be raging..and snow will still remain... a delight to the senses! :)
We saw lots and lots of mule deer, squirrels, noisy jays, dragonflies and butterflies...a couple of coyotes.. and we were even graced by the presence of Bears!! Momma bears with their cubs.. one family strolled thru the wooded area next to our site..and Tim quickly jumped up to take some pictures.. and managed to get a couple. Being in the darker wooded area..they didn't turn out that great.. but its amazing to see them!
At nite..we heard shouts thru-out the campsite loops.."BEAR!! Get Away Bear! " Campers shouting and carrying on..even chasing them out of the campsites! There is so much bear activity now because they are foraging for all of the food they can before they hunker down for the winter.
Because we had a dry winter.. the bears are starting to run out of food..and are getting brave and going into campsites...scaring off campers..and stealing food! So all food must be kept in bear lockers.. and all trash securely placed in the bear proof dumpsters.
We hiked and biked..and climbed and explored...and my poor body felt the effects of all of this exercise the next morning! lol my poor butt cheeks and legs were so sore! lol But what a good kind of sore.. the kind of sore that lets you know just how active and just how much fun you had the day before :) I like that kind of sore :)
Tippy is loving his harness and being able to sit outside with us! The jays kept him busy.. he preferred sitting at the top of our chairs.. and kept careful watch for those pesky birds! They would come and sit on the branch nearest him..just to pester him! He was so cute! But one day..just as it was starting to get dark.... I noticed a coyote on the other side of the road...from our campsite..watching him! Crouching in pines..he sat there watching us! Needless to say, Tippy and Honey were quickly put inside the camper!
I miss it so already.. but am thankful for the photos i took.. and will look at them til May comes 'round!
Other news..
the Pfatt Marketplace is up for September!! Please stop by to see our new artists..and to do lots of shopping!! :)
Remember..its all USA (and canada!) made.. by hand..and by excellent artists!! Start your holiday shopping now..and help support our US and Canadian Artists!!
It started out with us enjoying some Chi Chi's.. (a yummy drink recommended by Christy and Greg! YUM .. pineapple juice.. coconut milk..SLURP..they go down sooooo easy!!)
Branches and leaves showing beautiful form and quilted the sky from the afternoon sun...