Showing posts with label logo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label logo. Show all posts


a brand-new web site and blog!

As my newsletter subscribers found out last week, I recently launched a brand-new Salty Oat web site, which includes both an online quilt shop and a new blog. So, going forward, all new blog posts will appear over here. This blog, and its archives, will remain here, but it will no longer be updated. If you'd like to continue to follow along, please be sure to update your feed readers.


the salty oat newsletter + a new logo

In the coming weeks, I'll be launching the Salty Oat newsletter, the source for shop news, exclusive discounts, and announcements about upcoming events, including classes and craft fairs. Each monthly issue will also include link round-ups, designer interviews, and behind-the-scenes shots of the studio. I've been brainstorming features and gathering up lots of fun links, which I can't wait to share with all of you!

Interested in joining in on the fun? Sign up right here:

* indicates required

(If you can't see the sign-up above, click on over to the site.)

Also, as you may have noticed above, or if you've clicked over to this site or the shop lately, you probably spotted the new Salty Oat logo. I worked with the lovely and kind Katie Michels of Off Switch to design it, after spotting her beautiful hand lettering online. I'm excited for the new look and will be incorporating it into packaging materials and rubber stamps in the coming months. Many thanks, Katie!


salty oat logo

Remember this sneak peek? Well here's the finished piece, all stitched up and ready to go on the wall of my new studio:

And here's a pic of the back:

P.S. I've been updating the shop and have added a few new buttons!