I have to tell you it's absolutely not needed because it folds beautifully, but I keep thinking I need to put a closure on it. But of course I haven't yet, just talking about it. It's in the shop on display so by the time I take it back I'll forget I ever thought about this. But it would be easy enough to do, and I can always add it later. If you have this in your stash...it's a fun easy stitch so get to stitching. Once that was finished I thought I'd tackle the Christmas Mani di Donna piece I stitched last December and never assembled. In the rush to get my house straightened up for the holidays I was stuffing projects in bags and throwing them in closets. So it's been a real hunt trying to find some of it. Anyway, I found this piece and decided to tackle it. My supplies and tools were already out so it seemed the perfect time. Things were going so perfect I should have know disaster was around the corner. But I was on a finishing high and nothing could deter me. I had ordered the plastic sheets that quilters used to make templates to use in place of cardstock for the sides and it worked like a charm. I used double sided tape (of which I've got a ton since I keep ordering it in every size-a must have to assembling things at times, plus I use it now to make the tags)..anyway I pressed my warm and natural onto the tape then laced the fabric over that. I tried several different fabrics but remembered I had a small dark green holly print originally so finally found it and when I opened it guess what fell out. OMG my 1/2 stitched Erica Michaels silk Honey Berry ornament. I really did a happy dance over this one since I have the threads and chart but nothing else in a tote bag beside my stitching sofa. Can't wait to get back to it. Anyway, I was able to lace my fabric onto the wall piece perfectly. Yes, I was patting myself on the back for some time. Then I got out my circle cutter and cut a 4" circle out of matting for the bottom. Perfect round and gathered the fabric over it and that's when things took a turn. I decided to put the guide pieces back over the circular cutter blades so I wouldn't accidently cut anything I wasn't suppose to, but missed and ended up just gliding my fingers down the blade. On the plus side the blade was sharp, on the minus side I have two really deep cuts on my forefinger and my thumb. Never known for letting adversity get me down I kept going. Got bandaids and marched on, although I considered stopping at that point. But I knew I couldn't. I remembered to put a strip on the back seam to keep the circle shape...got the lining done and rick rack on and when I went to attach the handle it doesn't quite fit on the divider. I'm afraid to cut a bigger divider because I think it will make the sides go wonky. To make a long story short...I left the whole mess on the table and came to work. I'll finish it tonight so I'll show you the end result tomorrow. But now I get to pick out new projects and my tote is already overflowing with possibilities. My favorite thing...starting a new project. And I pulled a couple of fabrics and a couple of new charts for my stash. Well Delaware Sampler Guild is starting to roll in for the weekend...fun times ahead. While these weekends may be exhausting a gathering of stitchers is the best gathering of all!
4 hours ago