Yes the end of summer is almost officially over. At least 6 more days, Sunfest will become a memory and Ocean City declares summer is over and our second season begins. Here we declared summer is over but we have two very busy weekends ahead, Delaware Guild's retreat on the first weekend of October and Jamboree on the 2nd weekend. Here's Sara with her second completed knitting project....done in about 4 hours on 35 knitting needles. The yarn is called Faux Fur and comes in a variety of colors. I'll tell you at first when she first walked in I said, "Good God, it looks like you're wearing a shag carpet, but after looking at it for a few minutes, it works. By the next hour I was telling her how cute I thought she looked it in. Anyway, that girl is really on a knitting jag. She has also finished one of Noni's "Lipstick Purses" which is now being dried in the shop after felting. These little purses are sooo darn cute. Anyway, she's a knitting a rug now again on the 35 needles. Me, well I'm still doing the old counted cross stitch and loving it. I've got several projects in the works but getting things done for Jamboree is taking all my time. But that's O.K....I'm only working days now...whoppee...we've started our off-season hours so we're open 10 - 4 now and I've got my nights to stitch so when I'm not dozing I'm stitching. And this week I've got 2 days off again...another big whoppee...of course I said I needed 2 days in a row to get my house cleaned up...we'll see what excuse I come up with this time....too busy stitching to pick up the mop! UPDATE: O.K., no one called us but Brian looked up the schedule for Hotel Impossible and evidently our show will be aired next Monday (September 23) at 10:00 p.m. He said Anthony's promo is that we are dilapidated and feuding..and of course I take offense at that since we are outdated but not dilapidated and we are a normal family that doesn't always see things the same way. But the kids reminded me that he had to say something and he'd already said how well we maintained the building and we were cleaner than any other hotels he'd been to...but don't we think he could have said outdated instead of dilapidated and still make a point? Anyway, I think all who have visited us for retreats will agree that we need updating to bring us to 2013, but hardly dilapidated. But I still love Anthony and his crew and they were wonderful to us while they were here, regardless of the amount of crying that went on. Well, it should make for interesting conversation if nothing else. We just had Bike Week down here....oh, the noise of it all, however, I hope all the bikers had a good time. They do bring a lot of money into the resort, not necessarily into Salty Yarns, but they help fill the hotels and I am grateful for that....but I am also grateful that the noise is gone. Mercy, can you just get on a bike and start the darn thing without revving it up for 15 minutes? NEW EMPLOYEE....we feel very fortunate to have a new employee with us, and we love that she was one of our retreaters so she knows the store. Judy Brunclik, is our new asset, and she and her husband decided to retire down here...so they are picking out a home in Delaware near Fenwick and Rehoboth so she's a short drive away. Judy was the main instigator of the stitching project so many of you were involved in earlier this year as a surprise to me. Which by the way, is still hanging in the lobby of the hotel and has provided us with wonderful compliments all summer. (how could Anthony call us dilapidated with all the beautiful needlework hanging in the lobby?...apparently I'm not over it). Anyway, we're still here, busy working away on events and we hope to see you all soon.
Just wanted to let you know that I saw the HI episode last night, and I am so happy that you didn't let them close Salty Yarns. Since you are the best needlework shop I have ever been to. Love the new website!
Loved the Hotel show--it showed you as real people. Like the new changes and wish you all continued success, you deserve it!
Watched the show last night and it made me homesick for 'my' Lankford! Am so glad some good things came as a result of the 'intervention'. One thing I hope isn't lost is the family feel of the hotel - I like seeing the same faces at the desk - and the fact that we are always greeted and treated like family when we come down. We try to hit every year but sometimes we miss - like this year! No worries, tho, we will be there next year - and we never dream of staying anywhere else - we love your hotel!
Hi Sally. Our stitch group got together to watch HI the other night and I want you to know I love staying at the Lankford BECAUSE of the "old-time" feeling and the personal friendliness there. When you cried, we cried--tissues were provided. We wish you all the best and that things don't change too much, and may Salty Yarns live forever. Jean
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