I feel very remiss in not getting this on the blog sooner....especially since it took Theresa Baird, the designer for Heart's Ease Examplar Workes, a year to get me the charts...God love her! But it's finally here, I mean the charts, and the model is gorgeous. This is an original design and so appropriate for us since we live right on the beach of the Atlantic Ocean. The verse..."But Oh, to live in a rose covered cottage on a hill overlooking the sea. Where I'd patiently watch the tall ships sailing by 'til my love returns safely to me"....is set off by a rose covered cottage and you can see the tall ship coming into the harbor. Theresa always stitches on 40 ct. and used Magnolia by Lakeside on this piece, but as you know it can be done on any count, however, she does not recommend you stitch it on Aida. The finished design when stitched is approx. 11 5/8" x 11 5/8" . She used Belle Soie but has also given you the numbers for NPI. As I've reported already, Belle Soie are so back ordered and we have been unable to get some of the more popular colors for so long I'm not sure if they are still dying silk, so my suggestion is to use NPI. This is a gorgeous piece which will be a real show stopper in your house. Thank you Theresa for entrusting us with your beautiful charts. I did finish the 2nd part of the Little House Mystery Sampler last night, so tonight I move on to the 3rd and final part. Everytime I work I pull more charts and kits to stitch so I'm in a total melt down on getting things completed. And I can't wait to see my Hometown Holiday pieces finished and sitting on the display in front for the holidays....it's going to be so cute done on 18 ct. Big, that's for sure, but it will make a nice statement...I just wish I had a mantle to put it on during the holidays. I've been reading blogs again, and as many of you know, I do not ever enter my stitched pieces in competitions. First I think it would be unfair as I have access to just about any fiber, fabric, embellishment, etc., as a shop owner and competing with my customers just isn't what I want to do. Several of my customers compete in fairs and juried shows and I love to see the blue ribbons as they proudly show off their work. In fact we have a few of Carolyn Newman's pieces along with their ribbons on display...gorgeous. I promise to get them up on the blog in the next few days. Anyway, I was reading about one stitcher's entries and the ribbons she won, but I also read the comments she posted from the judges...and while I stitch for my own enjoyment I couldn't help but compare what the judges had to say about her work to my work and it doesn't take a genius to know they'd be making comments about my stitching as well. I found that I was losing some of the joy of stitching worrying about all the little things I know judges look for. After reading the blog, and realizing I had a few issues (according to what the judges wrote) with my stitching I kept tearing out and restitching until I finally called it a night. I'm hoping that tonight I can leave all that behind since I don't give a tinkers damn....I love stitching for my own enjoyment and hopefully for anyone I stitch for. If it's not perfection...well I don't care. Neither am I. Well here's hoping I can get over the comments. I thought the stitchers pieces looked wonderful and didn't notice the little things that the judges noticed. So who are you stitching for?
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