
Showing posts from January, 2018

Yet another Birthday Card

There are plenty of Birthdays in the year and I try to be ahead with them.  I have used the good old Poppy Stamp at  Hobby Art  for this birthday card.

Birthdays are upon us

I am doing well with the Birthday cards.  It helps that I had a set of wonderful Poppy stamps from  Hobby Art  for Christmas. 

With Sympathy

I loathe last minute cards but sympathy cards are the worst...I never know what to put on them.  So I have written a quote for the insert and popped a simple cross on the front. This week has also seen me making a four layer, lemon Curd and vanilla buttercream birthday cake with vintage gold dusted dairy free chocolate roses. Finally, I don't normally blog about this, it just feels too negative but this week has proven to be week long negativity and all because I'm deaf!  There's a problem with the car, it makes a noise randomly but I've been describing the noise wrong so the mechanic is totally baffled as apparently nothing could possibly sound like that and to diagnose it it would mean replacing every single part.  Thankfully a neighbour has heard the noise and we now know it's the alternator belt.  I was describing the noise wrong, I couldn't hear it properly. Secondly the heating has packed in.  There is currently no heating an...

What's New

It's all about something new at  Ike's World Challenges  this month.  As of now the challenges are going monthly which means you have no reason not to participate because you have a very long time to create.  I have made what I hope is a gender neutral card for a "new" baby.

Something Digital

International Art & Soul is asking that you use something digital on your creation this fortnight.  I had thought of just printing a sentiment but I have gone with using a digital image instead.

Wishing you a great Birthday

I am still using the winter stamps from  Hobby Art  I love these stamps so much so everyone is getting cards using them this year.

Birthday Greetings

It is another birthday card, this time using a winter set of stamps from  Hobby Art

Happy Birthday

I am trying to get ahead so expect a few posts of Birthday cards from me in the next couple of months. This one is using one of my favourite sets of stamps from  Hobby Art

White on White

The challenge over at  International Art & Soul  this fortnight is White on White.  Anyone who knows me knows this is a nightmare of a challenge for me. I hate white on white or white anything because I struggle to keep anything clean and white.  I was very grateful when someone suggested I could make snowballs instead of paper crafting.  I love these, they taste really nice which surprised me as I am not a fan of coconut.  I'm afraid that taking photos proved tricky but I hope I have managed to catch the crucial moment of white on white. 

Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone.  I don't really have that much to write this year.  I'm not doing resolutions of any kind and I fully intend to just enjoy and make the most of the year as best as I can.  I am going to share with you a little card I made over the festive period with a new set of  Hobby Art  stamps.  I have used the Poppy. I am also going to share a 12 days of Christmas song variation.  I saw on the Carers UK facebook page about how they were encouraging carers to document their Christmas in the form of the 12 days of Christmas song.  There are no partridge in a pear trees or leaping Lords and definitely no ladies dancing in my Christmas but there is some unusual things. 1 broken car 2 days of washing up 3 beds to strip 4 dead mice 5 silent screams 6 pills a taken 7 stressful hours 8 isn’t it messy 9 dinners delayed 10 loads of washing 11 yells of help 12 bursts of tears an ...