Showing posts with label garage sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garage sale. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Chairs

I thought I would share a couple of chairs with you.  I got these at a garage sale a couple of months ago and they have been waiting for a makeover.

The pair set me back only $16!  The lady selling them told me they were "Duncan Phyfe."  So, I promptly went home and researched Duncan on the internet.  Look what I found selling on Ebay for $3,000:

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to store these in my garage and accidentally crash my car into one of them:

There goes my $2,992 profit!

I'm linking up at Junker Newbie's Would You Buy It Wednesday:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rocking Chair

Until recently, I've never loved garage sales.  I always thought they were just other people's junk.  I felt kind of uncomfortable and wierd sifting through someone else's stuff while they watched me.  This all changed when I discovered how fun it is to refinish furniture.  Now, I am obsessed with garage sales.  I am always on the hunt for a great find, for something that can be saved.  I still hate to bargain on price.

Big K on the other hand has always loved garage sales.  He is somewhat of a packrat, while I'm more of a minimalist, so garage sales are right up his alley.  Ha Ha!  As I've said before, he is amazing at bargaining on price too.  He hit up a neighbor's sale the other day and came home with this chair:

The neighbor said it was over 100 years old. I kind of doubt that! She also wanted $50 for it. Big K got it for $20.

Is this a good deal? Would you have bought it? What color should I paint it?

I'm linking this to a fun party called, Would you buy it Wednesdays? Where people weigh in on other's finds. Go check it out!