Showing posts with label fire pit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire pit. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekend in Review: Firepit Redux

Remember the The Great Firepit Fiasco of 2011? When my dreams of a beautiful firepit amounted to this:

Well, we were actually able to have an outdoor fire Saturday night, although not in the pit of doom. The kids were playing outside last week when one of them ran inside and asked if I wanted a "fire box." "Yeah, sure," I replied, having no idea what she was talking about, and resumed my internet surfing. "Mom, you've gotta see the fire box. It's like a fire house!" Still not quite sure what she was refering to, I replied, "OK, go get your dad to check it out."

Big K went out with the kids and returned with this:

A rusty old "fire house." My more organized neighbors always put their trash out the night before trash day, unlike the rest of us who are frantically wheeling the cans to the curb as we hear the garbage truck coming. Apparently, the kids found this thing while rifling through the neighbor's trash. Those girls would stop at nothing to get their backyard fire!

A few coats of silver high-temp spray paint and here's what we got:

The girls were dying to try it. So, despite, the fact that it was blazing sun and 90 degrees outside, we fired it up:

And roasted marshmallows:

And enjoyed some nice family time:

Although it wasn't what I originally envisioned, it was well worth the $7.00 spent on spray paint and saved us the headache and expense of having to build something perfectly perfect.

In other news, we headed to the lake and taught this big guy how to swim!

My sweet husband also exercised his sharp negotiating skills and scored this chair and an antique rocking chair at a garage sale for me. Can't wait to "save" them!

See you tomorrow with a fun before-and-after makeover!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Great Fire Pit Fiasco of 2011

My kids have been asking to go camping since at least February. Snow was still on the ground. Finally, I figured out that they really didn't care about camping, but, the little pyromaniacs just wanted a campfire to roast marshmallows (i.e. burn stuff) in.

I don't love camping, so I thought it would be great if we could have a campfire at home. My sweet husband who loves his girls so much volunteered to build a fire pit. Ohhhh, I was so excited. I had visions of this in my head:

We would look just like that cute family! I mean, we already have the same kind of dog and everything!!! We would make yummy s'mores, no one would get in a fight, we would be the perfect family and nothing would get severely burned around this beauty:

Source: via Amanda on Pinterest

Maybe we could even get a pool!!

Source: via Erica on Pinterest

And a huge, beautiful house!

Source: via Casey on Pinterest we are assembling our delicious grilled dinner:

Just kidding! Here's what I got:

Basically a hole in the ground that fills up with water everytime the sprinklers come on or it rains. It did not stop the kiddos and Big K from burning lots of stuff though!

Wait till next week when I show you how we remedied this situation and made a real fire pit. See you then!