Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2012

Loving this fabric

I was browsing around on recently and I came across this fabric:

Source: via Suzanne on Pinterest

It's Waverly Santa Maria Desert Flower.  I think it would be fun in one of the girls' rooms or even on throw pillows in the living room.  There are so many great colors to pull from.
Doesn't it look pretty on this lumbar pillow:

Source: via Kendra on Pinterest

Are you lusting after any fabrics lately?   Do share!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Red, White and Blue Fabrics

red white and blue

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Color My World Week 4: Fabric

We are in the home stretch of the Color My World Challenge.  In case you need a little recap, here's what we've been up to in this challenge:

Week 1: Introduction and Color Choice
Week 2: Decor
Week 3:  Paint

This week we were challenged to bring our new color in via fabric.  Remember, next week (May 1st) we are having a blog hop/linky party extravaganza where you can link up a post showing how you brought a new color into your home. 

Back to the fabric.  Not wanting to sew anything, I kind of took the easy way out and ordered new chairs.

They have fabric on them...that's not cheating, right?  I actually ordered these chairs a few weeks ago from Target when they were having a buy one, get one 50% off sale.  I got both of these chairs, including shipping and tax, for about $180 total.  They remind me of the chairs pictured in this room that I like:

I was feeling guilty that I didn't DIY anything with fabric, so I whipped up this fabric-covered box too.

I used an old shoebox and some fabric scraps.  I would show you pictures of the process, but the pics are on my laptop, which is in the shop being repaired.

I basically followed this tutorial from Lori May Interiors.  I used Mod Podge and hot glue to adhere the fabric to the box...pretty simple.  I used a heavy weight, outdoor fabric, so the corners are not as crisp as I would like.  If you try this, I would recommend using a thinner, light weight fabric to reduce the bulk.

Stop by the other Color My World challengers to see how they used fabric this week and be sure to get YOUR posts ready to link up next week!

Ange - The Blooming Hydrangea
Anna - A Newfound Treasure
Carmel - Our 5th House
Cassie - Primitive and Proper
Jadyn - Dutch.British.Love
Jessamie - Bird and Branch Redesign
Julia - Black Tag Diaries
Julia - Pawley's Island Posh
Kristy - Hyphen Interiors
Lisa - Shine Your Light
Lisa - Trapped in North Jersey
Maury - Life on Mars
Shaunna - Perfectly Imperfect
Shelley - Crazy Wonderful
Suzy - Saved by Suzy
Tiffany - Living Savvy
Tiffany - Worthwhile Domicile
Vashti & Jamie - Like me Some...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Color My World Challenge: Week 2

As you might remember, I'm participating in a challenge where a group of bloggers has been challenged to add a new color to our homes.  This week we're adding decor in our new colors.  I chose navy.

If you missed the kick-off to this challenge, you can click here to read all about it.  Remember that we're having a big link party/blog hop on the last day of the challenge where you can link up a post showing how you incorporated a new color into YOUR home.

I had picked up a brass lamp at the local Goodwill recently for $2.99.  The lamp came with this ratty old shade.

I had originally planned on just replacing the shade with a new drum-style shade and maybe embellishing it with some sort of trim.  But, then I remembered that I had some Waverly Cross Section fabric in navy left over from when I recovered an old corkboard.

Why not attempt to cover the lampshade in the fabric?  A quick trip to Pinterest and I found lots of tutorials on how to cover a lampshade.  Unfortunately, most of them only worked on a drum shade.

I ended up improvising this project and it really wasn't that hard.

1.   First I cut a piece of fabric that was a few inches larger than the shade. 

2.  Next, I sprayed spray adhesive on the shade in small sections.  I attached the fabric and smoothed out any bubbles or creases before moving on to the next section.

3.  I wanted to make a straight seam, but since the shade is angled, it worked better to make a diagonal seam.  I just folded the end of the fabric over several times and used hot glue to firmly tack it down.

4.  Finally, I folded the fabric down tightly around the top and bottom of the shade.  Again, I folded the fabric over twice so there aren't any unfinished edges and then glued it down.  This was the most difficult part.  Mainly because I kept burning myself with the glue gun.  Ugh!

In the background you can see a little sneak peak of my new wall color.

I originally planned to spray paint the lamp, maybe coral or white?  But, I like the way the brass looks against the navy blue in this inspiration photo:
Do you remember Jillian Harris from The Bachelor?  I didn't know she had her own blog, did you?  She bugged me on The Bachelor, but her blog is pretty cute.
Here's my new brass lamp against my navy wall.

What do you think of the brass?  Does it bring back bad flashbacks of the 80's?

I'm happy with it considering the entire project only cost me the $2.99 I spent on the lamp.  I had all of the other materials on hand from other projects.

Stop by the other Color My World challengers to see what they've been up to this week.
Ange - The Blooming Hydrangea
Anna - A Newfound Treasure
Carmel - Our 5th House
Cassie - Primitive and Proper
Jadyn - Dutch.British.Love
Jessamie - Bird and Branch Redesign
Julia - Black Tag Diaries
Julia - Pawley's Island Posh
Kristy - Hyphen Interiors
Lisa - Shine Your Light
Lisa - Trapped in North Jersey
Maury - Life on Mars
Shaunna - Perfectly Imperfect
Shelley - Crazy Wonderful
Suzy - Saved by Suzy
Tiffany - Living Savvy
Tiffany - Worthwhile Domicile
Vashti & Jamie - Like me Some...

Come back on Thursday where I'll reveal some more navy goodness as part of the Spring Into Action Challenge.  Is it cheating that I've rolled both challenges into one?  Wait, you really don't have to answer that one!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The One Room Challenge: Week 4

It's Wednesday.  That means it's time for another installment of the One Room Challenge!  Fifteen bloggers have been challenged to complete a room within six weeks.  We are now on Week Four, over half way done.

I am working on my three-year old daughter's room.  The process has been going along pretty smoothly...up until this week.  This week I had a couple of project failures, but some successes as well.

Let's start with a positive.  My friend Cindy is a thrifter/picker/junker extraordinaire.  She can find all kinds of cool things that can be transformed.  She brought me a few items this week for Mary's room.  One of which is this yellow mirror:

A few coats of white spray paint later:

I also had some embroidery hoops that I hung on the wall filled with different scraps of fabric.
This is a simple and inexpensive project that can cover a lot of wallspace.  I think it looks cute too!

Don't they look like colorful polka dots?  I found a few more hoops at the thrift store that I'm planning on adding to the wall.  I was just waiting for some new fabric to arrive in the mail.

Speaking of fabric, look what arrived on Tuesday!

I'll be bringing some of these to the seamstress this week for throw pillows.

I originally thought this huge picture was a failure, but it has started to grow on me.  I like how the black and white tones down the brightness of the other colors in the room.  Best of all, Mary LOVES the big picture of herself. 

Look here for a tutorial on how I made this picture.

We also tried to hang the headboard using flush mount hardware.  I think hanging the headboard is more difficult than actually making it.  As you can see, I still need to straighten and lower the headboard.  Hopefully that will happen this week.

Here's a failure that will be repainted this week or next:

Painting the orange line was not as easy as I thought it was going to be.  Steady hands are not one of my better qualities.  I think it makes the dresser look a bit busy too...especially with everything else going on in the room.

One more positive.  I received this cute picture in the mail on Tuesday. I bought it from the Paper Sparrow on Etsy.
Mary is obsessed (to put it mildly) with "baby jaguars."  She loves all things leopard/cheetah print and we all must refer to her as "Baby Jaguar."  If we call her "Mary," she'll probably ignore us.  Did you see the jacket she's wearing in the huge print above?  When I hung up the picture of her in her jacket, she started jumping up and down and cheering, "Look!  It's baby jaguar!"

In case you missed the earlier posts, here they are:

Week One
Week Two
Week Three

Be sure to check out some of the other bloggers to see how their rooms are coming together.

Trapped in North Jersey
Nicole Scott Designs
Kim Macumber Interiors
Rue de Emily
The Pink Pagoda
Nana Moon Shop
Taylor Morgan Design
My Crafty Home Life
House Four
Living Savvy
(A Lifestyle Thing)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pink and Orange Fabrics

I've been looking for fabrics for pillows for my daughter's room.  As you might remember, her room is orange and pink.    Here are a few of my favorites:

I absolutely adore these ballerinas.  Alas, the three-year old will have nothing to do with this fabric.

She was more into the dogs:

And robots:

Here are some other fun options:

While I really wanted to use fabrics that combine both pink and orange, my friend Holly had the great idea of using contrasting piping.  Sewing piping is definitely beyond my seamstress capabilities, so I stopped in at a seasmstress yesterday and asked her how much she would charge to sew pillow covers with piping.  We have used her to tailor my husband's suits in the past, so we know she is very reasonable, but I almost died when she told me the price: $3 for a 16x16 pillow and $5 for a 20x20?!??!  That includes the cost of sewing and adding the piping.  Looks like I might be having a few more pillows sewn!

I pinned these fabrics from onto Pinterest.  However, when I went back to find the actual fabric on, the Pinterest link took me to the homepage.  If you want to know the names of any of the fabric, just let me know and I will try to find it for you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Suzy's House Party #16

Hello!  We made it through Halloween and now we're in the mad dash to Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

That means it's time for another link party and features from last week's party.

I know you have been seeing this dresser from Lindauer Designs everywhere, but I had to share it too because it's sooo cool.  I love subway art and can't wait to try this on a piece of furniture.

The Salvage Collection has done it yet again with this hutch.  The pop of color is perfect.

We all like throw pillows and know that they are a quick and easy way to change up our decor.  Simcoe Street offers some great advice on how to mix colors and patterns of throw pillows.  Her post also features some great eye candy!

Saved by Suzy
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Saved by Suzy"><img src="" alt="Saved by Suzy" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

•Link up your home decor project. Pretty much anything to do with you house is fine.

•Please provide a link back to my blog. A text link is fine, or feel free to grab my "Saved by Suzy" party button from the sidebar. The more people that know about the party and participate the better for all of us.

•Be sure to share the love and leave comments for others.

•That's it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Dining Room

My dining room is a work in progress and continues to change.  I'll show you what I've got so far.

In the spring, I attempted to stencil a wall.  "Attempted" is the key word.  It was so hard and turned out so poorly, that this is the only photo I could find.  How people can stencil a wall amazes me!

I think C was the only one happy with the results!  Needless to say, this was almost immediately painted over.

Being a bit of a cheapskate bargain shopper, I didn't want to buy new paint, so I just used the same color that I had on hand from the stencil fiasco.

The buffet/console is a midcentury piece that I painted.  The blue is called "Plumage" by Martha Stewart and I absolutely love it.

The mirror used to be a dark brownish black, but I spray painted it gold for a little glamour.

I recently purchased the sunburst mirrors at Hobby Lobby for 50% off.  That little piece in the corner is something I painted that needs to be sold.  It's just hiding out in that little unloved corner for now.

We all love Mr. Foo, our little turquoise Fu dog.  The candle is from the Missoni collection for Target.  I love the colors.

The colors and the message in this print are awesome.  It's from a seller on Etsy called The Wheatfield.

I need some sort of table runner to add a little color in here.  For now, I just folded and put down a scrap of fabric.

 I throw all kinds of knick knacks in these little canisters - stray game pieces, hair ties, and barettes seem to be the most common residents of the canisters.

A few weeks ago, these doors went from boring old white to dramatic glossy black.  I don't like the trim painted black, so I am planning on repainting it white.

The room is fine as is, but I love color and pattern and this room seems to be a bit lacking.  Here are a couple of things I'd like to add to the room:

  • I'm thinking about putting faux Roman shades on the French doors to add a little more interest and color.  Here are three very different fabrics that I like.  Maybe I'll make a table runner out of one?  I'm open to your suggestions.  What do YOU think?

Linking here: