main1337 Converter - Summary

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Id: 4308
System Name: leetcvrt
Name: 1337 Converter
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

1337 Converter is a tool written in C++ for converting text files into 1337 format (see below). It should compile on any GNU/Linux system. As you might guess, it's a command line tool.

The 1337 format consists of regular vowels converted into numeric, such as hello would be h3110 and okay 0k4y. There's slight odd in the format: l and i. Either of them is 1. This can be defined (in the future!) via the commandline.

Registration Date: Tue 15 Apr 2003 05:07:13 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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1.5.7 is out!
     posted by ane, Sat 26 Apr 2003 08:51:54 AM UTC

1.5.7 is out! Features: manpages, texinfos, local getopt, and a lot more. Immediate upgrade from previous versions required!

     posted by ane, Sat 19 Apr 2003 07:06:12 AM UTC

1.5.5 is released. It fixes some small bugs and those rotten "Permission Denied" -errors shouldn't appear anymore.

1.5.3 is out!
     posted by ane, Fri 18 Apr 2003 09:34:10 AM UTC

Finally, the version 1.5.3 of 1337 Converter is out. Improvements: ChangeLog,   automake support (!), strict/loose format see ChangeLog for more info.

1.5.2 released!
     posted by ane, Wed 16 Apr 2003 03:23:08 PM UTC

The version 1.5.2 of 1337 Converter is now released. It contains many bugfixes to the earlier versions and should function properly (hence I added it to the stable package). I'll add the older files someday.

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