bugxbindkeys - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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        14 matching items - Items 1 to 14        

Item ID Summary down Status Assigned to Submitted
#60108 Better Messages 2021-02-24
#49929 Broken links on the web page 2016-12-25
#53848 Ctrl+Shift+Mouse-Scroll triggers Ctrl+Mouse Scroll 2018-05-06
#65542 follow mouse cursor not working while zoomed in 2024-03-30
#37908 Little typo in the man-page Fixed 2012-12-12
#61512 second KeyCode mapped to the same KeySym does not work 2021-11-20
#38836 The "Release" modifier does not work when selected language is non-english! 2013-04-26
#62421 Typo in error message 2022-05-06
#38177 When setting up a keybind to launch nautilus or nemo (file browsers) wierd network stuff happens 2013-01-27
#46030 xbindkeys does not work with GTK 3 programs 2015-09-22
#44873 xbindkeys runs (fails to kill) two additional processes every time 2015-04-18
#35774 xbindkeys works incorrectly with xvkdb in certain conditions 2012-03-09
#29842 XF86Eject keysym does not work 2010-05-09
#49741 `xkeybinds -n` and `xkeybinds` behave differently. 2016-11-30

        14 matching items - Items 1 to 14        

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