mainGNU Core Utilities - Support: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort.You can also deactivate multicolumn sort.

        25 matching items - Items 1 to 25        

Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#106540 wish: date should support the english suffices such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd... 2008-11-03
#106582 call fsync() after cross-device move with mv 2008-12-14
#106586 Add support for skipping -n --n lines at the top of the file in 'tail' 2008-12-26
#106713 wish: a single construct to replace "head | tail" 2009-04-09
#107385 allow specification of tab width in 'fmt' 2010-05-24
#107466 compatibility patch 2010-08-27
#107536 ln -sf with directory symlink 2010-12-02
#107546 md5sum: Add option to ignore missing files 2010-12-09
#107695 chroot.c missing HAVE_SETGROUPS check 2011-05-24
#107704 cp: fchown called before fchmod, unable to set file mode 2011-05-27
#107709 syncfs option for sync 2011-05-31
#107875 BUG cp -u corrupts 'fs'' information if interupted; can't recover on future invoctions 2011-11-15
#107876 ISSUE: (Unverifyed Bug in 8.13). 2011-11-15
#108179 date returns wrong date with ISO8601 short form 2012-11-13
#108676 coreutils 8.23 doesn't build on static only system 2014-10-31
#109486 Coreutils 8.29 Failed test 2018-04-02
#109569 ls: incorrect color for broken symlinks 2018-10-08
#109598 Add .iso to list of archive formats for coloring 2018-12-06
#110227 Unremoveable file bug 2020-04-25
#110498 Any plans to make new release? 2021-05-26
#110644 date: add support for military time zone for local time J/Juliet 2022-05-03
#110688 New rlease? 2022-08-02
#110787 installing from source coreutils on Debian bullseye11 (KDE) fails 2022-11-23
#110881 Strange beaviour of tail 2023-05-17
#110951 Strange behaviour when use -h option in du.c 2023-10-31

        25 matching items - Items 1 to 25        

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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