bugThe GNU Hurd - Bugs: Digest items: field selection


You selected 0 items for this digest. Now you must unselect fields you do not want to be included in the digest.

  Submitter - User who originally submitted the item
  Submitted - Date and time of the initial submission
  Closed on - Date and time when the item status was changed to 'Closed'
  Category - Generally high level modules or functionalities of the software (e.g. User interface, Configuration Manager, etc)
  Severity - Impact of the item on the system (Critical, Major,...)
  Priority - How quickly the item should be handled
  Item Group - Characterizes the nature of the item (e.g. Crash Error, Documentation Typo, Installation Problem, etc
  Status - Current status of the item
  Privacy - Whether the item can be seen by members of the group only or anybody
  Votes - How many votes this item received.
  Assigned to - Who is in charge of handling this item
  Originator Name - Name of the person who submitted the item (if different from the submitter field)
  Originator Email - Email address of the person who submitted the item (if different from the submitter field, add address to CC list)
  Discussion Lock - Determines whether comments can still be added to the item
  Reproducibility - How easy it is to reproduce the item
  Size (loc) - Estimated size of the code to be developed or reworked to fix the item
  Comment Type - Specify the nature of the follow up comment attached to this item
  Planned Release - Release in which it is planned to have the item fixed
  Effort - Number of hours of work needed to fix the item
  Summary - One line description of the item
  Original Submission - Full description of the item
  Wiki-like text discussion box - Wiki-like text discussion box.
  Updated - Last time the item was updated
  Latest Comment - Latest comment posted about the item.
  Dependencies - List of dependencies.

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