bugfindutils - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Statusup.

Begin     Previous Results         77 matching items - Items 51 to 77         Next Results     End

Item ID Summary Status up Assigned to Submitted
#62268 [feature request] -quit N to make find exit immediately with a certain exit code 2022-04-08
#62621 xargs/find: buildcmd incorrectly sizes argv and envp 2022-06-13
#63576 Improve find manual with examples and explanations for -size option 2022-12-26
#64100 wish/request: please reserve -printf "%V %v %E %R %r %B %e %J %I %z %x %X %j" 2023-04-23
#64171 find is missing folders on my mac 2023-05-09
#64253 Suggestion - Add support for libmagic and xattr berny 2023-05-25
#64605 Add support for extended attributes 2023-08-28
#64741 Graceful stop of xargs 2023-10-03
#64816 support ls' --quoting-style= option 2023-10-26
#65337 Unexepected results from complete tests on -mtime/-mmin/-daystart 2024-02-20
#65349 Wrong statement in -xtype documentation 2024-02-23
#65793 find -ls should match find -dils 2024-05-26
#65795 Set and meet code coverage standards 2024-05-26
#65831 Test -type l is unsuccessful for symlink loops 2024-06-03
#65834 -mmin 1 and -mmin -1 are both true at once 2024-06-04
#65890 xargs keeps child processes in zombie state before starting a new process 2024-06-18
#66134 Add a prefix to each diagnostic message to indicate if it is a warning message or an error message 2024-08-28
#66135 loop: different error messages describe an identical (?) error 2024-08-28
#26701 if there are any funny characters, * no longer matches in certain locales Confirmed ericb 2009-05-27
#62622 E2BIG misbehaviour Confirmed berny 2022-06-13
#50155 Please update POT file on translationproject.org In Progress berny 2017-01-26
#12162 Enhancement req: finding files less than 2Gb in size [needs community feedback] Need Info jay 2005-02-27
#64857 find -ctime, -cnewer etc does not work Need Info berny 2023-11-04
#65770 Missing support for \(?: (which is part of Emacs regular expressions) Need Info jay 2024-05-22
#46305 Doing "find -L . -type d -delete" fails on symlinks to directories. Wont Fix jay 2015-10-27
#49147 Tab character replaced by question mark ("?") when locate outputs to tty Invalid jay 2016-09-21
#61327 Support for birth time Fixed berny 2021-10-10

Begin     Previous Results         77 matching items - Items 51 to 77         Next Results     End

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Closed Items Priority Colors:
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