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My little one is cute and cuddly and adorable, but he doesn't like to play for more than a few minutes at a time. Of course, I don't expect him to "play" yet, but it still means I don't get much done. MBA sahm has some great tips for those struggling to work around the house and take care of a baby at the same time.

This isn't crafty, but I had to share this! The Mama's Girls shared a super easy way to get your old VHS videos digitized. We have so many of these tapes at my mom's house! This would be a neat gift for anyone with old VHS tapes.
Do you struggle with some aspect of your children's behavior? Crafty Confessions came up with a great system that even helps get the family excited to spend time together.
Are you new to sewing? So Sew Easy made a great glossary of sewing terms so that you can more easily understand the sewing lingo that you'll find in patterns.
I'm thinking about putting away the Christmas décor, but I need to be extra smart about it. We have twins on the way and our storage space is going to be severely limited. Echoes of Laughter has some great tips for storing and organizing Christmas décor that you might find helpful too!
The weather here has finally turned. Our high for the next couple days is supposed to be in the 30's! Yuck! Anyway, one things I've been thinking about is how to keep our heating bill lower this year. Our place isn't old (built within the last 5 years, I believe), but I can still feel some drafts and cold air seeping through the windows. So this post from Condo Blues with tips on lowering your heating bill was very timely!
Saving 4 Six turned a plain old piece of trim into a cake pop stand. I've made cake pops before and the drying process can be MESSY! Yay for an easy solution!
I love making Halloween costumes! I just purchased some fabric for my son's costume this year, so these costume tips from Rae Gun Ramblings were very timely!