Showing posts with label tie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tie. Show all posts

Thursday, June 5, 2014

12 Last Minute Father's Day Gifts

Father's Day is in just over a week, and I thought you all might need some inspiration like I do. So, here are some last minute ideas that any father would love, but that don't require too much time. Some of them just require a trip to the store, and some of them can even be altered to make them go a bit quicker. For instance - use a paint pen instead of heat transfer vinyl. Lots of these ideas even have free printables included.



In the past, I've also made coordinating shirts for my hubby and son. Two years ago I made Star Wars shirts. Last year, we went with the superhero theme.

One other gift that we've done every year is taking pictures with our son and the letters to spell out "dad". I put it into a frame and "re-gift" it every year. He loves it! It's fun to look back at our now 5-year-old when he was just 9 months old holding the same letters.

What do you do for the special dads in your life? I'd love to hear your ideas!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Crafting for Baby Series

Our Crafting for Baby series is in full swing! I'm loving all the inspiration, and I hope you are too. There have been so many awesome projects that we've had from so many amazing bloggers, but I wanted to collect them all in once place for you. Be sure to check back every weekday throughout March for new projects!!

You can also check out the Crafting for Baby Link Party that will be open for the month of March. Feel free to link up your own baby-related projects, recipes, activities, etc!

New Baby Diary | Eliza Ellis

Animal Silhouette Wall Art | Something Good

Turn a T-shirt into a Baby Bib | Vintage Zest

Covered Wipe Case Tutorial | The Modest Homestead

Little Guy Floppy Tie | Pieces by Polly

DIY Diaper Rash Cream
DIY Diaper Rash Cream | ABC Learning

Softy Giraffe | My Farm Life Diary

DIY Embellished Baby Hats {by Like a Saturday}
DIY Embellished Baby Hats | Like A Saturday

Easy DIY Applique for Baby Clothes //
Easy Applique for Baby Clothes | Mommy Like Whoa

baby soap
DIY Baby Soap | Sewlicious Home Décor

 photo BabyName_zps0581acb3.jpg
Baby Name Embroidery Hoop | Maddie Moes

Budding Baby Bunting Blanket by GYCT Designs
Budding Baby Bunting Blanket | GYCT Designs

Doily Collar Onesie | The Elephant of Surprise

baby frame1
Baby Room Décor | Me and My Free Time

Crafting for Baby - Little Guy Floppy Tie from Pieces by Polly

Howdy, Someday Crafters. Today, Polly from Pieces by Polly is here sharing her super cute solution to little boys who don't keep their ties on at church!

I'm excited to be here on Someday Crafts today.  I'm Polly and I blog over at Pieces by Polly.  I love all sorts of crafts, but sewing, upcycling, quilting seem to come up the most lately.  We also love books and reading over at Pieces by Polly, and for the next couple weeks, I'm doing a series on called For the LOVE of BOOKS featuring a lot of children's book and reading themed sewing projects.  I'd love for you to stop by and check it out.

With Easter coming up, 'tis the season to make sure our little guys have a spiffy new set of church clothes.  With my older son, this church clothes used to drive me crazy...particularly the shirts.  He looked so cute dressed up, but the button-down shirts seemed bulky and uncomfortable for such a little guy, and the shirts never seemed to stay tucked in...not to mention trying to get a tie to stay on a little guy.

So with our youngest I've gotten smart and made him tie onesies.  I've made a couple versions, but my favorite is this Little Guy Floppy Tie onesie.  This puts a new twist on the classic tie onesie.

Instead of having the whole tie sewn onto the shirt, the tie is loose and just the "knot" part of the tie is sewed down.

My little guy loves having the tie to play with.  I love that I don't have to fight him to keep the tie on and the tie never gets lost.

I just made my youngest this new shirt because he'd outgrown his previous one.  His first shirt got a TON of compliments.  My husband keeps trying to convince me to sell them in my shop...but I haven't added them yet.

And tie-onesies are super easy to make.

Supplies:  You'll need...
  • a onesie
  • a fabric scrap for the tie (knit-T-shirt like material)
  • Heat'n Bond Lite or similar product
  • Printed Tie Pattern.  12-18-month size here, Newborn size here (You need one in between, just modify the pattern.  It's pretty simple.
  • your typical sewing stuff (machine, thread, scissors, etc.)  P

I prefer to use knits with bold colored stripes.  If you use knits (like from a T-shirt) the edges won't unravel, so we don't have to do anything special to them.  My favorite is when I can find irregular striped knits...but those are hard to find.  I used those black and white stripes for his last tie onesie, so this time I chose the orange and red.  I used most of the shirt to make him some knit pants, and used the left-over scraps to make the tie.


Start by tracing your tie pattern onto the back of some Heat'n Bond Lite or similar product.  (You can find it at just about any sewing craft store, or even at Wal-Mart.)
Cut out your pieces and iron them onto the BACK of your fabric.  Place the long tie part so the strips will go diagonal on it and the knot part so the stripes will be horizontal on it.

Iron them securely with a hot iron according to directions on the Heat'n Bond.  Cut out your pieces.

Peel the paper backing off the long tie piece, to reveal the adhesive.
Place this over more of your fabric scraps, preferably so that the stripes line up.  Be sure you're placing the side with the adhesive on the BACK of your fabric scraps.

Iron well and cut out your tie piece again.  Now you should have a tie piece with two "right" or "front" sides.

Top-stitch around the edge of the tie, about 1/8 inch from the side.  You don't need to topstitch the top, but it won't hurt it if you do.

You should end up with something that looks like this...

Peel the paper backing from the back of your knot piece.  Place the knot and tie on your onesie so that they're centered and the tie is underneath the knot about 1/4 inch.  You may need to curve the top of the knot slightly to make it fit the curve of the onesie hem.

Once you're happy with the placement, iron over the knot section well.

At this point, it will look like this...
Topstitch around the knot.  I started by sewing across bottom of the knot first, sewed all the way around, and then sewed across the bottom of the knot again, to doubly secure the loose tie.

Instead of back-stitching as I began and finished sewing, I left the threads long.

Then I pulled the threads through to the back (or you can use a needle to thread them through).  Then I tied a several knots to secure the threads without making extra stitching show up on the front.

And you're done.

All ready to put on your own little guy.

My little guy is sure happy with his...and he's even happier that the weather is finally getting warm enough to sometimes play outside without a jacket.

If you're looking to give these as a gift, it can be tough to find comfortable black pants to match, especially for sweet newborns.  The 2-year-old in these pictures is wearing traditional black pants, but for newborns and tiny ones, I prefer to make my own Comfy Newborn Cuffed Pants using a black or grey T-shirt for the fabric.  (Yep, that's the same little guy as a newborn...although that was before I thought of making the ties floppy.)

If you've liked this tutorial, I'd love for you to come check out my blog Pieces by Polly.  You can also find Pieces by Polly on Facebook and/or follow me on Instagram @PiecesbyPolly.

Oh my goodness! How adorable are those little floppy ties (and your little guy)? Totally adds a new dimension to putting a tie on a onesie. Thanks for sharing your cute idea with us, Polly!
Don't forget about the Crafting for Baby Categorically Crafting party going on all throughout March!

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