Showing posts with label tassels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tassels. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Build It With Burlap

Burlap is 'the thing' these days. Everyone is making something with burlap. These are a few of the lovely burlap projects I've found recently. At the bottom of this post, I've added Mr. MckLinky so you can ADD YOUR BURLAP PROJECTS. Check out the other burlap projects and craft away! These beautiful burlap pillows were made by Moody Girl Projects. I'd like a couple of these please! Check out how she made them (along with a few other burlap projects) HERE.
Beneath My Heart made this gorgeous burlap magnet board (which she is giving away Thursday.) Go HERE to enter the giveaway!
Why not make these homey burlap valances in your kitchen (or other room) like Tatertots and Jello. They are "no-sew" and so cute! To see how to make them, go HERE.
At Southern Hospitality, she covered the back of this cabinet to change the look. She stenciled and added some tacks to make it so beautiful! See more HERE.
Tatertots and Jello also is the first I've seen to use burlap in her tassels. There is just something rustic, yet beautiful about the texture in burlap. To learn how to make these tassels, go HERE.
This is crazy cute! Kara's Kottage WALLPAPERED her room with burlap. Is that insanely cool or what? Check it out HERE.
Craftaholic Anonymous is calling for me to be a craftaholic after I saw this hair piece. Darling. Go HERE!

As I was looking around, I found a Burlap Party at Southern Hospitality. There are some amazing projects HERE and HERE.

There also is an amazing post about burlap projects at DIY Showoff HERE. Love these!

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tassels Galore

I've seen beautiful tassels around blogland and in magazines. All the fancy house have them hung throughout the house. I've dreamed of them hanging from a fan, on my railing, on a peg board, from a lamp and just about everywhere else in my house. When I've seen them on Etsy or in stores, the price tag made me think tassels were just a dream. Enter Heather at BeTasseled. She has a blog just about tassels and a tutorial on how to make them. Maybe tassels won't be just a dream after all.
The tassel below is a "thrifty" tassel made from a spice lid. Small Home In the Country shares how she made tassels on a very small budget (and has some beautiful fall decorations.) I like "Thrifty."

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