Saturday, November 2, 2013
DIY Photo Booth Backdrop
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Faux Crocheted Skirt (and Boot Socks)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Tablecloth turns into Floorcloth! AMAZING!
See how to make a tablecloth into a floorcloth!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Vinyl Cloth Booster Seat
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Rainbow Birthday
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Guest Blogger - The Cottage Home - Waterproof Picnic Blanket!
Hi! My name is Lindsay and I am the lovely lady behind the blog, The Cottage Home and the etsy shop, The Cottage Mama. Wow, I'm so excited to be here at Michelle's amazing blog, "Someday Crafts". I am really looking forward to sharing my tutorial with you for a Waterproof Picnic Blanket!
My blog, The Cottage Home, is all about my love of sewing, cooking, crafting, and all things domestic. I focus mainly on sewing/crafting tutorials and delicious recipes and you will find the occasional post on things such as decorating, entertaining, organizing, organic living, children and family. Here are some fun projects you can find on my blog:
My etsy shop, The Cottage Mama, recently opened several months ago. I design handmade children's clothing that are made from modern fabrics, are vintage styled, and have extra attention to detail. Most of my pieces will grow with your child and are very versatile. They may be a dress one season and transition into a top the following season and many items have layering options. Here are some of the items you can find in my etsy shop:
Tutorial: Waterproof Picnic Blanket
Now onto the real reason I am here - my tutorial for a Waterproof Picnic Blanket! So, I thought this would be a really fun spring/summer tutorial to share with you today that is super simple and VERY useful!
Have you ever been outside for a picnic only to lay your blanket down are realize the ground is damp? Well, that is no fun and kind of ruins the picnic experience. So, make yourself one of these waterproof picnic blankets and you will never have to worry about wet ground again!
1 Vinyl Tablecloth (52 x 90) or smaller if you prefer
1 Cloth Tablecloth (similar size to vinyl) or 2 yards of your favorite fabric
Sewing Machine
Ribbon or Rick Rack for trim
You will need two tablecloths - 1 vinyl and 1 cloth. If you don't have a cloth tablecloth, feel free to use a couple yards of fabric. I got both of these coordinating tablecloths at my local Joann's.
You want to choose a top and bottom that will coordinate nicely with each other - I just thought these two prints shouted "Spring!!".
Here is what the packaging for the vinyl tablecloth looked like. It was $6.99 and I got it 50% off - wooohoo!
Lay out your vinyl tablecloth on a large surface.
Lay your other tablecloth or fabric on top of the vinyl cloth. You need to do this so you can trim off any extra length or width you may have to make sure they are the same size.
Fold over your excess length or you can draw a line marking the excess length.
Cut off the excess length from the vinyl tablecloth.
Before stitching the two cloths together you want to prep the fabric. ALWAYS iron your fabric before sewing - it is the only way to achieve professional looking results. For the vinyl cloth turn it so the flannel side is up, set your iron on the lowest setting and press, smoothing out any creases. Your vinyl will not melt as long as you move the iron quickly and make sure you set it to low.
Then stitch your two cloths together on three sides - 1/2" seam allowance, leaving one of the shorter sides open. I used my serger just because it makes it faster, but you can just as easily use your sewing machine - just make sure you use a needle designed for thicker fabrics, such as a denim needle.
You want to leave one side of the blanket open in order to insert the ties. The ties should each be 20 inches long and 3 inches wide (I actually made mine too long in my original design....oops!). You will need to cut four pieces (2 for each tie).
I used left over fabric I had from the cloth tablecloth - the stuff I had to cut off to make sure the top and bottom were the same size. You could also use ribbon if you prefer.
Place right sides together and stitch the ties along both long sides and one short side (leave one of the shorter sides open). Again, I used my serger, just for time-sake, but using the sewing machine will yield the exact same results.
Once you have stitched three sides, turn your ties right-side out and press.
Place your ties, pointing inward, in the middle of the fourth side (that you have yet to stitch). Place the raw edge of the tie against the raw edges of the tablecloths. Then stitch this side of the tablecloths 3/4 of the way closed. You need to leave an opening to turn the blanket right-side out.
Turn the blanket right-side out and press lightly.
To close the little opening, I recommend top-stitching around the entire blanket - 1/4" seam allowance. Or you can just close the opening by hand-sewing - your choice.
And there you have it - your waterproof picnic blanket ready for a day out in the park!!
My tablecloth came with a border and some ribbon trim already on it, but if you are using fabric and would like to add some trim, make sure you do that before you sew the two tablecloths together.
To fold the picnic blanket, fold over one third of the blanket towards the middle.
Then fold over the other one-third towards the middle.
Then just roll it all the way up, starting from the end without the ties. Once rolled, wrap your your ties around and tie a pretty bow.
Here is your blanket all wrapped up and ready for a fun day with family and friends!
Cottage Mama's Note: You can also use oilcloth for this project, but the vinyl tablecloth was the more inexpensive option. This vinyl backed tablecloth would also be great as an actual tablecloth. Just eliminate the ties and presto, you have a waterproof tablecloth that still looks classy, but will protect your table as well!!
Thank you so much for having me Michelle - this was so much fun! I hope you all will come visit me over at The Cottage Home and check out my etsy shop, The Cottage Mama! Thanks again and have a wonderful day!
Wow! Lindsay that IS a great idea for Spring and Summer! I dislike wet blankets (and pants) from picnics, soccer games, or just relaxing in a park. It's embarrassing to get up looking like I wet my pants!!! The Cottage Home is an awesome blog! So many great projects (especially sewing and cooking ones!) I've tried two of the recipes and they are delish! And if you have gone over to her Etsy shop, you are missing out. The fabric she uses for the clothes are absolutely adorable. I could see my daughter loving everything in that shop! Head over to The Cottage Home and look around. While you are there, become a follower so you can see more of what Lindsay creates!
Linking to Finding Fabulous, Romantic Home -Show and Tell Friday, Miss Mustard Seed -Furniture Feature Friday, Lit and Laundry - Finished For Friday, The Inspired Room, Remodelaholics Anonymous, Poppies At Play - Creative Cats , Crafts In Bloom, Kojo Designs - Friday Fun Finds, Fingerprints on the Fridge - Feature Yourself Friday. The Girl Creative - New Friend Friday, That's So Cuegly - Craft Concoction, Sweet Charli