Showing posts with label restyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label restyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Change Bi-Fold Doors into French Doors!!!

Pin It This. Is. BRILLIANT!   I kind of get annoyed with bi-fold doors.  They just open and shut awkwardly and seem to break too easily.  2 Little Superheroes turned her bi-fold doors into french doors!!!!!   I'm smitten with this tutorial!   Say goodbye to bi-folds!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bench from End Table and Bed

Pin ItLook at this gorgeous bench that was made from parts of an end table and bed!  It is so well done.  I would love to figure out how to make one of these for my porch.  ReFresh ReStyle created this masterpiece.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

DIY Hats and Mittens from Old Sweater

Pin It  Take those stretched out, stained, and out-dated sweaters and make them into hats and mittens.   Sweaters are a great thing to repurpose like Thrive often does.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Three Chair Bench

Pin It I've seen 2 chairs put together to make a little bench before, but never a 3 chair bench. How cool is that?   That would be fun for an entry way or hallway!   Home Depot walks you through making it!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sweater Leggings

Pin ItMake leggings for your daughter out of an old sweater!  Such a cool idea from Ruffles and Stuff!  She calls them "Sweggings."   These are freakin' cute!!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Baseball Flowers

Pin ItWould the "boys" in your life allow you to decorate their bedroom with flowers if the petals were made from baseballs?   Not mine!  BUT, I really like the look of these baseball flowers and would love to find a way to put some in my house!   My Salvaged Treasures created these cuties!  Nice way to repurpose old balls!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Men's Shirt Transformed Into a Women's Skirt

Pin It  Turn a men's shirt into a cute skirt with Sugar Bee Crafts!  I know my husband has some shirts that I'd love to do this with and he probably wouldn't mind some of them being taken out of his closet.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Drum Shade from Embroidery Hoops

Pin ItHostess with the Motzes created a drum shade from a pair of embroidery hoops!  How cool is that?    I love the fabric she used to cover it.

Grandfather Clock Turned Into Shelving

Pin ItGrowing up, we had a grandfather clock.  It was fancy...and noisy.   It seems to chime all the time.  I wasn't sad when it stopped working.  I've seen a few grandfather clocks at the thrift store.  They must have been broken because the price was reasonable.   Trash to Treasure took an old clock and turned it into a darling shelf.  I personally prefer the idea of a clock being turned into shelving than actually working and being noisy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

14 Ways to Transform A Bag

What a fun round-up this one at Handbag Heaven is!   It gives 14 ways to dress up and/or transform your bag.  I LOVE several of the ideas.

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Faux Crocheted Skirt (and Boot Socks)

Want to know how to make a crocheted skirt and some boot socks?  Head over to Morning by Morning Productions for some little secrets.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

10 Things to Make with T-shirts

Head over to Cheap Crafty Mama to see a round up of 10 cute things you can make with t-shirts!   Great ways to refashion all those t-shirts in your closet!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shirred Circles Shirt (From Men's Shirt)

Mandy at Sugar Bee rocks!  She took a baggy grey men's shirt and turned into into a beautiful, flattering gathered shirt perfect for a woman!   LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! 
(And don't you love her necklace!  It's a Paparazzi necklace.   Mandy is a Paparazzi consultant too!)

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dresser to Shelf

I love Liz Marie Blog took an old dresser and turned it into very functional and beautiful shelving!   I love even more that it fits in a closet and is such a perfect place for shelves.

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Infinity Scarf from Regular Scarf

Scarfs are definitely in for 2012!   AND the infinity scarf is the most popular of them all!   Join Adventures in Dressmaking to learn how to turn a regular scarf into an infinity scarf!!!

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Toddler/Baby Leggings from Women's Knee Highs

Don't you love leggings for your little ones during the cold months? I do (sometimes even under their pants!) I made a ton of those knock-off Baby Legs from women's knee high socks for my two oldest. (They even wore them on their arms with short sleeve shirts.)

Now, Just Between Friends has created an easy tutorial about how to turn knee highs into leggings that go up over the diaper! Sometimes, I wished my former baby legs were leggings! I love this idea too. It looks so easy!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Play Kitchen Made From a Chair

You've probably seen play kitchens made from entertainment centers and drawers, but have you seen one made from a chair?   Over at Kicsi Haz you can see it.   However, you may have a hard time reading it because it is in a different language.  Maybe you can use Google Translate or something like that!   Pretty cool chair idea!!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Desk Into Towering Dresser!!!!

Gail, the repurposing genius at My Repurposed Life turned a desk into a very tall dresser. I've looked for tall dressers/chest. They are either non-existent or very, very expensive. Now, I want to try to find a desk that this idea would work for! Totally Awesome!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sequined Sweatshirt

I love the feel of a sweatshirt, but unless I am just hanging around the house, I rarely get to wear one.  They just don't look 'professional.'    However, Happy Together has found a way to dress up a sweatshirt by cutting off the top and adding some sequins.  Really cute!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Guest Blogger - Homemade Ginger - Waterproof Bib from Bag

Hello Someday Crafts readers! I'm so excited to be sharing with you all today! My name is Megan and I blog over at Homemade Ginger.
I just celebrated my 2 year "blogiversary" by challenging myself for the entire year.  I'm calling it the 30 Days Project and each month I will come up with a new challenge for myself and blog about it.  For the month of November, my challenge is 30 days of Repurposing.

 I am blogging a new project every single day this month that has to do with repurposing something by giving it a new life!

For example, one of my favorites I've done so far is repurposing a thrift store sweater into a sock monkey costume.

Today, I will be sharing a tutorial on how to repurpose a reusable shopping bag into a waterproof pocket bib (with some extra leftover to make another mini-project!)

I found this $0.99 shopping bag at Marshalls and thought it was so adorable.  I've seen similar ones at Joann's and Hobby Lobby for very cheap.  The material is perfect to make something waterproof.

And you can't beat the price! Especially considering the fact that most waterproof fabrics like oil cloth are super expensive.

First, I took a bib I already had and made a pattern by tracing it.  I cut another piece the same size and shape of the bottom portion of the bib, which will be the pocket.

Use your pattern to cut out the pieces from the bag.

Next, you will need some double fold bias tape.  I actually made mine, but you could definitely buy some if you wanted to.  Sew the bias tape along the top edge of the pocket.

Pin the pocket to the bib and now pin bias tape all around the edge of the bib and sew on.

Lastly, sew on some velcro for an easy closure

And you are done! So simple!

Now, you will probably have a huge piece of the bag leftover.   So, why not cut it...

Serge or zig zag around the edges.

And use as a placemat!

Perfect for a messy eater because it's easy to simply wipe off.

2 easy projects from a $0.99 bag.  It would make a great frugal Christmas gift!

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.  Thanks so much for having me today and feel free to stop by  Homemade Ginger and say hi!
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