Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homeschool. Show all posts

Friday, July 4, 2014

DIY Felt Board

Mondo Mom has a great way to make your own felt board and fun pieces to go along with it. My little guy would have so much fun with this!

See the DIY Felt Board.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Homeschool Organization for Back to School

Hey Someday Crafters! Today, I'm joining the Back to School series that Emily at The Benson Street is hosting.

Back To school Series at The Benson Street

The last few months have been a bit confusing as far as my son's education goes. I've gone back and forth between his options for schooling. The public school that we're zoned for doesn't inspire much confidence. The PTA has eliminated all funding for basically everything but one big school party and 1 or 2 educational field trips. It's also ranked really low in the state. One of my neighbors sent her late birthday son to Kindergarten at this school and has told me some not so great things about it that further strengthen my thoughts of not wanting to send him there. I've looked into the charter schools and there was one we really loved, but we're 11th on the waiting list so I don't have high hopes. We were accepted into the charter Montessori, but after doing some more research about Montessori, I don't know that it's the right fit for us in the long run.

My son has a late August birthday, and we held off on Kindergarten last year. At that time, I was still unsure of our public school and we were too late to apply for the charters. I've always felt like I shouldn't rush school for him. From the time he was a baby, I knew that I should wait to send him to Kindergarten, so I did. But this year, he'll be six before the deadline here. Idaho law states that children don't have to be in school until 7, but I don't want to hold off another year. So, with my lack of faith in our local school, I feel like that leaves me with homeschooling. I've never been opposed to it, and I've given it serious thought over the last few years. I just haven't been sure if I'm cut out for it. My biggest worry is if I can be organized enough to make it through a whole school year. And now I have a baby to add in to the mix!

But, I feel like I've finally decided that I'll be homeschooling my son this next year. Possibly just until we move (no plans to) or until he gets into a better school. Possibly for much longer. So now I'm researching curriculum and methods of teaching and learning and trying to get prepared and organized for August. In my efforts to be organized, I've been racking my brain to come up with a way to be prepared for school and to stay organized for the school year. While I was at the store, I was walking through the storage bin aisles and found what I needed.

It's a very simple idea, but I think it will work for me. I purchased 4 bigger bins and 2 smaller ones. The bigger bins are wide and long enough to hold full-sized papers and workbooks, but also deep enough to as many books and stacks of paper as I need it to. I purchased 4 so I could be organized for a whole month.

The bins have these cute little dry erase tags that snap on and off. I don't have to try and get cutesy with the labels. Because, really, who's got time for that and a new baby? And if they don't work, I can easily re-label them and use them elsewhere in the house. As you can see, right now they're just labeled for weeks 1-4.


The smaller bins are for art supplies and other learning supplies (like our little bag of play money, legos that are set aside for math, etc).

Obviously I haven't planned the first 4 weeks of school yet, and I haven't put them to the test long-term yet, but I think this storage system will work well for the way I work. I can plan a month at a time, put the needed supplies in for each week, and then move the curriculum books through each week as needed.


Since I'm new to this homeschooling thing, I'd love to hear from other homeschoolers out there. Any tips or hidden secrets that will help my life flow more easily? However, I know homeschooling can be a touchy subject for some, so please keep your comments courteous and kind.

If you're looking for more back to school ideas (not just homeschool), then check out the links below. It will be updated though mid-August with tons of new ideas from other bloggers perfect for helping you ease into back to school time.

Friday, July 26, 2013

2013 Back to School Categorically Crafting Party

Welcome to the

Categorically Crafting Show

where you can show off all of your fun projects for

Back to School!!

Please join your crafty post if, and only if, it corresponds with the category and theme of Back to School. We would love to see any projects like back to school crafts, clothing, activities, or food ideas! (If it doesn't fit in this category though, you can link it up to Whatever Goes Wednesday.) Link up crafts, decor, sewing projects, food, tips, etc, that have to do with Back to School. If you have joined a project that fits this theme to a party on my blog before, feel free to add it to this show too! If you have a lot of projects to show off, please choose your favorites. Remember to link to the specific posts, not to your main blog page. This makes it easier for readers to find your awesome ideas.

Let's see what you have created (either recently or in the past)!

This linky will be open until September 7th, 2013 so keep checking back!

You can paste the "Categorically Crafting" button onto your blog post. I would love to see these floating around so more people can post their themed projects. Keep checking back for more ideas!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Fabric Storytelling Dice

Obsessively Stitching has come up with another great idea! Storytelling foam dice or I-Spy blocks using fabric. These would be great for toddlers, pre-school aged kids, homeschoolers and elementary students. Build children's vocabulary and have soft building blocks at the same time. So many uses for these blocks. GO HERE to learn how to make them. (Another great reason to buy lots of little scraps of fabric!!!)

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Chalkboard Table

Why didn't I think of this? Paint a kids' table with chalkboard paint!!! Great for homeschooling, pre-schools, for kids who love to doodle and draw or just for decorating a toy room! Too Cute and Functional! Head over to Raising Olives to see and learn more!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quilted Letters

Quilt the letters of the alphabet for your little ones or just for decoration. Happy Together shares her inspiration with us! Click HERE for the PDF files to download the letter patterns:) Thanks, Jessica!!!
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