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As certain holidays are approaching, I often ask my friends what gift they are
giving their husbands (Valentine's, Christmas, birthdays, etc.) Recently, one of my friends responded by saying she got her husband some
"spicy dice" for Valentine's Day!
"What is that?" was my reply.
proceeded to show me these three little dice with eight sides. As she explained what they were and as I read the words on the dice,
I turned a bright color of red. Yes, I blushed!!! I learned about these types of "games" after the age of 25.
A little naive? Absolutely!
Michelle, you have been married over 5 years. This shouldn't embarrass you anymore," she responded to my change of color and uncomfortable laugh.
"Yes! I have been married that long and I do have 2 kids, but still....
that is just too "spicy" and 'kinky' for me!"
I thought about this disturbing little present that evening. Most men would LOVE a present like that, but
women like me are terrified by the thought of "spicy dice." (I was the one who would tear up at MY bridal showers if anyone made comments about 'you know what.') I came up with a compromise to give to my husband - inspired by "spicy dice."
"NOT-SO-SPICY SPICY DICE." The toned-down version that I can tolerate (thought it is still quite a stretch for me.) My husband will die laughing when I give them to him because this will not be expected. I'm not a romantic person! Poor guy. He probably will think it is a joke!
Those out there who know me will probably be shocked that I am going to do this, but I am (working up the courage.) I can't believe I am actually blogging about this too!
On one dice is a body part (none of which I would blush to say
out loud to my children). One dice has an action (which makes me squirm just a little) and one has a room in the house. I left a "your choice" side on all three so he could make up his own idea. (
Breathe deep. I can do this.) I was told by my friend, you shake the three (or two if you don't want to "play" the different room aspect) and do what the dice says. Sounds like.....fun... to me
(I'm talking myself into believing this.) So I might have to give him a back massage in the bathroom. OR kiss his legs in the laundry room. Or nibble his arms in the kitchen.
Does this sound romantic to you?
My husband deserves to have a Valentine's present he might like. I'm not great at giving him "romantic" gifts. Isn't this what Valentine's is supposed to be about? So this year will be a first! It will be fun to hear his laugh!
Here is how I made my
"Not-so-spicy spicy dice." Sorry about the blurry, dark pictures. My camera is mediocre at best!
First, buy little wood blocks from your craft store. Mine are about 3/4"x 3/4". They should be already sanded and smooth. Paint all the edges the color you want them.

Next, print the words you want for your 3 die on "romantic" scrapbook paper leaving enough room to cute out squares to basically cover the wood die. I used different fonts for the different die so I made sure to glue all the body parts on the body parts, etc. dice.

Using a
decoupage medium (Mod
Podge), glue the papers on all six sides of each dice.

Let it dry overnight. Using a sanding block or file, sand off the edges of the paper that over hang. (How do you take pictures with one hand while doing something that requires two hands?)

Then dab the paint over the very edge of the paper to give it a distressed look.

Podge the blocks one more time to seal the paper and paint and let it dry! You have your toned down version of "NOT-SO-SPICY SPICY DICE." Discreet enough to hold in your hand or hide in a drawer.

There! I have blogged about it and survived. Let's hope I can survive giving this present to him.
ARE ANY OF YOU LIKE ME? I need reassurance, please!
If you don't want to make any "NOT-SO-SPICY SPICY DICE", you can buy them in my etsy shop HERE.
What are you giving your husband for Valentine's Day?
Linking to WATF -
Works for Me Wednesday, Blue Cricket -
Show and Tell, Thrifty Home -
Pinching Pennies, ISVC-
Celebrate the Holidays, Creations by Kara -
Look What I Made