“Angel Who
Rolled the Stone Away” Paperweight Easter Craft
The most important part of Easter is that Jesus arose!
This craft will help childrenkeep in their hearts the image of the angel who met the
people at the tomb to give them the good news!
§ Large garden stones, perhaps
the size of a baseball, 1 for each child
§ Small-sized coffee filters, 2
for each child
§ Cotton balls, 2 for each
§ Toothpicks, 2 for each child
§ Thin gold ribbon, 12” for
each child
§ Yellow pipe cleaners, 2 for
each child
§ Pencil
§ Markers
§ White play dough (even if
you’re using real rocks) 1 small clump for each child, the size of a large marble
1. If you pick rocks from your garden or a nearby pond,
scrub them well so as not to fear getting Easter outfits soiled.
1. Take one of the coffee filters and spread it out on the
2. Place the two cotton balls in the center.
3. Gather the filter fabric around the cotton balls and
gather firmly beneath to make the angel’s head.
4. Tie the gold ribbon in a bow around the angel’s neck,
then flounce out the filter skirt beneath.
5. Insert one toothpick under the skirt up into the cotton
balls through the neck, then the second tooth pick. Spread them slightly like
little legs.
6. To create the wings, fold the second coffee filter in
half. Then pinch it in the middle. Wrap around the pinch the first piece of yellow
pipe cleaner, leaving the ends the same length. Leave them dangling for now.
7. To create the halo, take the second piece of pipe
cleaner and form one end into a circle around your pinky finger. Let the rest run
straight down your finger to create an extension on which you can attach it to the
angel’s neck.
8. Push the extension edge of the pipe cleaner down
through the gold ribbon until the halo rests on the angel’s head.
9. There should be a 3-inch piece of straight pipe cleaner
now sticking down into the angel’s dress.
10.Use the extension piece to wrap around the wings and
keep them in place behind the angel.
11.To keep the bottom ends of the pipe cleaner from
looking disorderly, wrap them around a pencil so they make circles like curling
12.Write on the rock HE IS NOT HERE; HE IS RISEN.
13. Roll the small clump of play dough into the rock and
stick it firmly on top.
14.Plant the little angel’s toothpick feet firmly into the
play dough, and spread the skirt out around the rock.
Give the little angel to Mom
or Dad as a paperweight!
Mary Kate
Mary-Kate is a regular blogger at Christianity Cove
( http://www.christianitycove.com/). You can often find her writing about Christian Parenting, Homeschool Teaching, Bible Study and Sunday School Activities, Faith and inspiring
children to love God. Follow her at @SundaySchoolGal Facebook Google+ & Pinterest
Thanks, Mary! Mary also has a Mom Challenge going on to help encourage her readers (and herself) to be a more effective and Christ-like parent. What a neat idea! Go check out her blog!