Wahoo! It's time for the first project in our Crafting for Baby series! Eliza is here with a great printable to help you through the newborn fog.
Hi everyone! My name’s Eliza and I’ve got a new little blog
over at Eliza Ellis.
I’m stoked to be here guest
posting today, and would love to thank Michelle and Miranda for having me.
It was just last week that I was brainstorming ideas for some free baby
printables for my blog, when I stumbled across
Someday Crafts. As I was reading about little Emmett
just home from hospital and Miranda’s request for guest bloggers, a big
light bulb went off!
So today I’ve done up an awesome free
printable New Baby Diary to help get Emmett, and all the other new babes out there, settled
and sorted into a routine at home.
When I had Missy, I was lucky enough to stay in the hospital
for an entire week, and the midwives had me fill in a little form every time
she fed, slept, wet or dirtied her nappy. I must say, this little chart was a
lifesaver. I was exhausted and everything became one big blurry, sleep deprived
So when I got home, I scribbled up a chart from what I could
remember, and kept using it until she was two months old. It wasn’t pretty, but
it worked!
Not only was it fantastic to take to Health Nurse and doctor’s
check-ups, the diary was invaluable in sorting out Missy’s natural patterns of
sleeping and feeding and we easily slipped into a routine that suited both of
To use it, just start a new sheet each day, and fill in each
line as you go.
I’ve included both breast and bottle feeding to suit everyone,
and the breastfeeding tab has a little reminder of what boob you’re up to –
because the last thing a new mum needs is mastitis!
There’s also a spot at the
bottom for notes, which is great if your baby is taking medication, drops for
reflux - or even just to record those little daily milestones!
When I’m expecting baby number two, I think I’ll print off
enough of these for eight weeks, have them nicely spiral bound at Officeworks, and pop
the finished diary in my hospital bag, ready to go.
But at the moment, I can
think of a few mums-to-be who would love a New Baby Diary so I’ll be making
some up as the perfect baby shower gift; as you can see, I’ve done the diary up
in Orchid, Hemlock, Peach and Placid Blue to suit all those stylish new mums
and bubs!
So hopefully, this little New Baby Diary will help you and
your baby, (or a friend and her baby!) get off to the best start possible!
Once again, a big thank you to Michelle and Miranda for
having me today.
All the best,
A big thanks to Eliza for sharing her New Baby Diary with us! I'll definitely be printing off some of these for the next few weeks as we get our routine down. I love that I can keep track and then I don't have to try to remember everything when my hubby takes over if I have to run an errand (or just take a nap). So easy!
Be sure to come back and join us tomorrow to see what's next in our Crafting for Baby series!