Showing posts with label fhe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fhe. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Family Mission Statements

A couple of years ago, my husband and I made a family mission statement. I don't know where it is hiding since we moved. I need to find it or just make a new one with our kids!!!! Love, Actually has a round-up of family mission statements. This would be a great activity for your next family activity!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A St. Patty's Day Rainbow of Flavor!

If you read this post yesterday, you know that I enjoy getting together with other people and families to socialize and share some love! Monday evenings are one night that our family sometimes joins with other families to unite in faith and friendship. I set the "evening" up (at someone else's house. How's that for hosting!) My friend agreed to do the lesson and I would make the treat. She is in the process of losing weight so I was excited to prepare a fruit rainbow for a healthy dessert. With it being St. Patrick's Day soon, this was the perfect idea!
Following the ROYGBIV mnemonic device, I planned out what fruit I would purchase for each color. There actually were quite a few choices for a few color. I used the first fruit in each list because it was in season and that's what I wanted.

Red - Strawberries, apples, cherries, watermelon

Orange - Mandarin oranges, navel oranges, canteloupe

Yellow - Pineapple, banana, apples, pears, lemons

Green - Apples, pears, grapes, limes

Blue - Blueberries

Violet (Purple) - Plums, grapes, pears

Mini-marshmallows were used for the clouds on one side of the rainbow and bananas for the pot of gold. If you don't know this tip yet, it will change your life with fruit. I cut the apples and bananas over two hours before I served it and they weren't brown. How? Using a basting brush, spread lemon juice over the cut sides. EASY!!!

I also made an AMAZING FRUIT DIP to accompany the fruit dish. It could eat it in spoonfuls (without the fruit). That's a problem!!!

Here is the recipe:

8 oz. Cream Cheese (softened works best)
8 oz. Sour Cream
3/4 cup brown sugar
3 oz. package of instant vanilla pudding
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix it all together. Chill in the fridge until you are ready to serve. And DEVOUR!!!
See, the kids were excited to inhale this healthy yumminess. Whenever I say smile to my son, he does the biggest cheesy, full mouth smile. He is so silly! It's hard to get a normal picture of him!!!
Even the adults were thrilled with wholesome goodness. It was so good my friend said she was saving 5 points of her weight watchers diet for this dessert!!!!! That says it all!
You will be making this in the next week or two, won't you? Let me know how it goes. It would be a fun side dish for St. Patty's Day Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner.

I would like to take credit for creating this idea, but I saw it two weeks ago in Family Fun Magazine. I couldn't find their little picture on-line:( My take is a little different with the fruits I use. One of these fruit rainbows was also linked up to the ST. PATRICK'S CATEGORICALLY CRAFTING SHOW. Go see Coley's Corner's version HERE.

Oh, and while I have you salivating over food, you should drool over this minty heaven. My tastebuds are jealous. See this HERE at Created By Diane.

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