Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Heart Earwires

Heart Earwires - tutorial by Rena Klingenberg

Aren't these handmade earrings gorgeous?! Jewelry Making Journal has a super easy-to-follow tutorial so you can have your own!

See the Heart Earwires.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Earrings from a Milk Jug

Earrings from a milk jug

You'll never guess what material What I Life For used to make these earrings! She used a milk jug! What a great idea to repurpose something that would otherwise be thrown away.
See how to make Earrings from a Milk Jug.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mediterranean Earrings

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Blue is my favorite color so when I saw these blue Mediterranean Earrings my heart skipped a couple beats. Twelve-O-Eight made these beauties and shares the secrets on her blog.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cute Paper Earrings

This is an awesome idea from Crafting in the Rain! So original and such a money saver! She made really cute earrings from PAPER!!!! I know some of you are going to try this!

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chevron Earrings

Chevron is the rage so make some trendy chevron earrings to make you happy!   House of Avandan shows you how!

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Button Earrings

Ruffles and Stuff turned some beautiful buttons into some beautiful earrings!   She just used some paper clips and glue!  Such a great idea.   If you only had one button, it could be used as a charm for a necklace or a bracelet.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Groop Dealz Celebration (AND FREE EARRINGS)

One of my VERY favorite group deal sites is celebrating one year of saving people money. I check Groop Dealz every morning to see what their deal is and today's is AMAZING!!!! Because they are having their first anniversary, they are GIVING AWAY thousands of FREE mum earrings! These are so cute and so popular right now. And they are FREE. All you pay is the shipping.

Head over to Groop Dealz to take advantage of this anniversary party and offer!!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lost Earring into Charm Bracelet

Keep those single earrings when you lose the other one in a pair. A Girl and A Glue Gun (guest posting at Crystal's Craft Spot) make a charm bracelet using single earrings! What a great idea.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dollar Store Earring Holder

Sometimes, I just want an inexpensive, easy and fast craft! I don't think it gets much easier, quicker and cheaper than this fun idea found at ABC's of My Life!

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Scrappy Brad Earrings

Transform some of those cute scrapbooking brads into earrings.
I love this idea! Inexpensive, easy and cute!

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Lace Trim Earrings

Make sophisticated and gorgeous earrings from lace! See how to make them at Trey and Lucy. GO HERE.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Singed Flower Accessories

Don't forget to check out the great giveaways at the Giveaway Directory HERE. These miniature singed flowers may be small in size, but not in beauty! The best part is they can be made into so many accessories. Find all these treasures at Sweet Charli. Go HERE for earrings. Go HERE for rings. Go HERE to see wrist you would love! I could also see these on headbands (of course), shirts, bags, and more!

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Paper Clips into Jewelry

You know those cute little paper clippy embellishments you get with wedding announcements or that you put on cards and in scrapbooks. Did you know you can make them into adorable jewelry? I didn't, but now I do thanks to That's My Story. Go HERE to see more.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Fabric Flower Earrings

Make these petite fabric flower earrings to match your special outfits. Another way to use your fabric scraps! Happy Together shows you how to make them.
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