Showing posts with label dining room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dining room. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dining Set Makeover

Restoration Redoux gave this dining set an amazing makeover. I love the turquoise! I think it adds a great pop of color.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Silverware Chandelier


Crystelle Boutique used a pot rack and some silverware to make this very unique chandelier. This would definitely be a conversational piece!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Silverware Kitchen Clock

Silverware Kitchen Clock Tutorial at

The Benson Street created this very unique clock using silverware and a charger! Isn't it perfect for a kitchen or dining room?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dining Room Table Makeover

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This table makeover that Hot Commodity Home Décor did is absolutely gorgeous! I love the lines of the chair and the black paired with the yellow fabric. Beautiful!!
See the Dining Table Makeover.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Walls with Drawn Frames! (Awesome Dining Room)

Pin It  The dining room at East Coast Creative is awesome.  My favorite part is the frame wall paper. She put pictures of her family throughout the room in certain frames!!!! Maybe, just maybe, you could do the same thing, but with a marker by drawing on the walls.  I think if you planned it out before you did it, you totally could!   

(Oh, if you have followed this blog for a while, you may have seen Crafting With the Stars.  It is now called Creating with the Stars and is being hosted at East Coast Creative and they are in the voting period to see who gets to be a contestant.  You will want to follow this blog to see all the creativity that comes from in!!!)  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Horizontal Board and Batten!

Pin It  How classy is this horizontal board and batten in a dining room?   VERY!!!!   I'm totally crushing on it and wondering where I can do a room of this in my house!  It could make a short wall look longer.  I love the texture and dimension it adds to Every Day With The Jays' home.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Farmhouse Table and Bench

I'm drooling over this farmhouse table and bench (especially the bench).   LOVE IT!!!!   Breakfast 4 Dinner shows you how to make both and it doesn't look that hard!.  Did I mention that I love the bench?

Learn how to make a farmhouse table and farmhouse bench.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2 AMAZING Silverware Projects!

Here are two rockstar ideas from today's party using silverware!!!! Love them both!
I love sunburst mirrors. I've featured quite a few of them. BUT I have never seen one made out of silverware and I have to say I LOVE this one!!!! Flamingo Toes always has such cute ideas! She uses this silverware sunburst mirror to decorate her dining room! BRILLIANT!!!
There's something stunning about this wall of silverware (or maybe it should be called whiteware now) from Spunky Junky. What a fun way to decorate a kitchen.

See more links from Whatever Goes Wednesday.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

White Life - A House of WHITE!!!

I am afraid of wearing or decorating with white. It gets dirty way too easily and stains never go away. I do, however, thoroughly enjoy looking at people who decorate with white. It is SO beautiful! So refreshing! So heavenly! Take a peek at Uruguay White Life. This house is mainly decorated with white and small contrasts of black, and it is more than stunning.
This first photo shows how to decorate a table in less than 15 minutes using whites.

and HERE.

This is how one corner of a room is decorated with white and black. The vintage items looks so cute together.

I could show a thousand more pictures of this beautiful house, but you will have to go check it out at Uruguay White Life yourself.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More to Add to My List!

I love this use of an old window. Mommy Time Crafts hung it from the ceiling in her kitchen and then decorated it! It looks amazing! See the old window HERE.

I love this idea of having personalized placemats. Wouldn't it be fun to interchangeable pictures? See this idea at Something Pretty!

While you are personalizing placemats, you might as well personalize your dishes too. Rook No. 17 shows us how to transfer an image on to plates and such. So fun! Go HERE.

I would love to have some board and batten in my home. My Cottage Charm shows you how to do install board and batten easily and inexpensively HERE.

There are still more links being added to the Whatever Goes Wednesday party! Check them out HERE.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Vinyl Cloth Booster Seat

If you have toddlers, then pay attention to this idea. Make a soft, washable and transportable booster seat with this tutorial from Smashed Peas and Carrots. This is perfect for my little guy! Go HERE.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fun Fabric Napkin Rings

Make these fun fabric napkin rings with instructions from Punkin Patterns. I love the technique used. GO HERE.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Install Crown Moulding Without Using A Miter Saw

Fancy up your house by installing some crown moulding. Also, if you have a LONG room and would like to break it up a little, you've got to read this post. At Paring Down, she installed the moulding without using a miter saw and added some visual and architectural details. It looks great! GO HERE to read how.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Funny Face Plates

These personalized face plates are hilarious and such a great idea. My kids are pretty good eaters most of the time, but I think this would assist them in being better eaters. Make dinner fun - Let them play with their food in a good way! This ideas is from At Second Street. Go HERE.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Chalkboard Coasters

I've seen just about everything chalkboard, but coasters! How fun are these? Not only are they cute, but they are functional. They can designate where people are sitting, and also help people keep track of which drink is theirs.
A great idea from Me and My Bucket! Go HERE.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Faux Wainscoting

Wainscoting is dreamy! I would love it in my living room, dining room and hallways, but it usually is expensive! Check out how Frugal Home Ideas made this faux wainscoting HERE. It will save you a lot of money!

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