Showing posts with label decorating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label decorating. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Make Your Own Frozen Chandelier

Make Your Own Frozen Chandelier / by Busy Mom's Helper #Frozen #Craft #Decor

Do you know someone who loves Frozen? Well, why not make them their very own Frozen-inspired chandelier? Busy Mom's Helper has a great tutorial to make your own.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

How to Pick Fabric Color Schemes - The Easy Way

Fabric Color Schemes

I'm having a hard time picking fabric for curtains in our living room (and every other room in our house), so this post from Domestic 360 was very helpful! I've seen color schemes floating around on Pinterest (and even pinned a few), but never thought to use them quite like this.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Guest Blogger - Spaceships & Laser Beams - Construction Birthday Party Ideas

Would your little guy enjoy a construction truck themed birthday party? It’s an especially well-loved idea with the younger crowd. Chances are you already have at least some of the party supplies too, so decorating to set the tone is not difficult. Whether you decide on an indoor, outdoor or combination venue, there are some decorative elements you’ll be sure to want to include, but there are additional fun options for an extra dose of “wow”! Read on for some of my favorite ideas of how to decorate for this popular birthday celebration theme.    


Great Ways to Decorate for a Construction Birthday Party

  • A wreath on the front door is nice but make one by using an orange extension cord or cut plastic caution tape to use as a type of ribbon for a unique themed welcome.
  • Work site signage adds authenticity. Make or look for things like: work zone, caution, yield, or hard hat area.
  • Giant cardboard tool cut-outs make a statement!
  • Use real blueprints on the wall or tables.
  • Black and yellow caution tape looks official.
  • Work benches can be used for food display or as play stations. Make your own with pegboard and wood pallets.
  • Dual stacks of tires or cement blocks can be used as effective table bases.
  • Display real tools but keep them high enough so kids can’t touch them.
  • Kid-sized wheel barrels and shovels look good and can be used for games, too.
  • Include caution cones and lights.
  • Black and yellow felt = a great table runner. Black plastic and yellow tape also works well.
  • Pint sized hard hats, work vests and tool pouches serve as décor, party time amusements and take-home favors.
  • Raid the toy box for all kinds of trucks; dump trucks, bulldozers and cranes look terrific on food buffets.
  • Kids will love playing “trucks” together, no matter how simple or elaborately you choose to decorate. For more fun, remember that adding dirt is always an option!

Find additional construction party specifics and visual inspiration on my construction truck category at Spaceships and Laser Beams.

What construction birthday party decorations would your kids love to see?

Stephanie Keeping is a wife to Mike, mom to a boy named Sam, a blogger, and an Etsy-preneur. She celebrates boyish charm at Spaceships and Laser Beams, where she talks about all things boy and birthday party. You can connect with her on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter and on Etsy.

Thanks for sharing your ideas with us, Stephanie! Be sure to check out her blog and other projects. She also has tons of other party ideas that I think you'll love. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Star Wars Storm Trooper Kitchen Aid Mixer

I know, I know, I just posted about a Star Wars idea yesterday, but here's another one for you. The Kim Six Fix decked out her Kitchen Aid mixer with Star Wars insignia. My husband would LOVE if I did this to our mixer!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gift Bag Gallery Wall

Making the World Cuter Gift Bag Gallery Wall Decor for Christmas! Brilliant! Just hang up cute gift bags for an inexpensive and #fabulouslyfestive way to decorate!

Are you still lacking some Christmas décor in your home? Don't think you have time to get too festive? Making the World Cuter has a brilliant idea for using gift bags as décor. I absolutely LOVE it!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas Stockings Tutorial

 Naptime Crafters and So Sew Easy have a great tutorial for making your own stockings. I purchased fabric last year to make some but never got around to it. I suppose I should, since there's only a month until Christmas!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No-Sew Ribbon Christmas Tree Skirt

No Sew Ribbon Christmas Tree Skirt

The DIY Dreamer created a no-sew tree skirt using ribbon! I love all the colors. It's definitely not the typical Christmas colors, but you could also customize this to match your Christmas décor.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Creepy Cracks

There's still a couple days left to decorate for Halloween and these Creepy Cracks from Burton Avenue would be so cute and easy to make. She has the cut file for free on her website! Yay!
Find out more about the Creepy Cracks.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dollar Store Pumpkin Topiary

The Kim Six Fix turned a few dollar store pumpkins into this beautiful topiary. She customized her topiary for Halloween, but this could be great for fall or Thanksgiving!

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