Monday, March 12, 2012
Shamrock Paper Chain
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
It's Time For Crafting With The Stars
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Contests Galore
The top 10 Knock-offs have been selected from a large group of excellent entries. Go vote for your favorite at 733 - A Creative Blog. Voting ends Friday.
Unfortunately, my partner from Crafting With The Stars, Made It On Monday, didn't make it through to the final round of competition. BUT, she has an amazing blog that you definitely should be visiting often. Right now, she is teaching a sewing simply week. Check it out!
So You Think You're Crafty is always displaying amazing craft geniuses work. This weeks theme is Wall Decor! So cute! Vote today!
There are even more contests than this, but checking these out should keep you busy for a while! Have fun!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Antiquing A Trunk and Anthro Bag
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sweatshirt Turned Anthro Jacket!
Monday, January 24, 2011
CWTS, My Partner and Time to VOTE!!!
And all three of these look great with a cardigan or jacket over them. Jill takes sweaters and shirts and makes them into cardigans. EASY!!!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Crafting With The Stars, Round 2
It's time for another round of Crafting With The Stars. Are you in? Do you want to craft it up with advice from a "star?" The following are the list of "stars" with whom you will be partnered.
1. Amy (The Idea Room)
2. Amy (Mod Podge Rocks)
3. Becca (Blue Cricket Design)
4. Beckie (Infarrantly Creative)
5. Char (Crap I've Made)
6. Cheri (It's So Very Cheri)
7. Heather (Dollar Store Crafts)
8. Jen (Tatertots & Jello)
9. Jill (Homemade by Jill)
10. Lorie (Be Different...Act Normal)
11. Michelle (Someday Crafts)
12. Shelley (How Does She?)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
See more Whatever Goes Wednesday links!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Don't forget to vote for your favorite three projects at Crafting with the Stars hosted by Sew Dang Cute. There are some amazing projects again this week!
Voting ends tonight at midnight!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Round 2 Winners!!!!
Good news! My partner, Amy at Naptime Crafters,
moved on to round three on Crafting With The Stars!!!! Yipee! She painted pillow using paint and freezer paper stencils. Check out the freezer paper stenciled pillows tutorial HERE.
There were some very amazing projects linked up to the last round. See the winners and links to the tutorials at Sew Dang Cute HERE.
Seriously, check out the links to the other great tutorial for last weeks winner! They are amazing!