Showing posts with label crafting for a cause. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafting for a cause. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2013

Crafting For A Cause - Pillowcase Dresses to Africa

Ladybird Ln

We have a new Crafting For A Cause and I love this one.  I WILL BE participating.   Project Yesu will be taking pillowcase dresses over to little girls in Uganda!   I can just see all these beautiful little girls with gorgeous dark skin wearing vibrant pillowcase dresses to play in!  I have a few bandana dresses that I will be sending.  Makes my heart happy!

Check out more about this Crafting For a Cause over at Ladybird Ln.   She has links to several tutorials about how to make pillowcase dresses!  Make a little girl feel beautiful with 30 minutes of your time.  (Do this with a group of young women for a project.)
You have until May 31!!!!
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crafting For A Cause - The Linus Project

  There is nothing more comforting than a warm blanket.  For our next Crafting for a Cause project, we are teaming up with Kara of  Petals to Picots, and doing a cyber Blanket drive in conjunction with Project Linus.  You can link up your donated blanket to a combined link up party we are having April 15-30th, for some fun prizes.  Additionally Kara of Petals and Picots has a Blanket Drive album on Facebook where you can comment and add pictures for additional prizes!

Crafting for a Cause

Project Linus is an amazing organization that collects handmade blankets and distributes them to children who are  ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Inspired by Charles Schulz’s PEANUTS® character, Linus, Project Linus's mission is to provide comfort to these children with the help of a security blanket. Volunteers, or "blanketeers" as they are lovingly referred to, from all over the country create, collect, and distribute these handmade blankets.
Since Project Linus began in 1995, there have been over 4 million blankets delivered to children in need, and there are now close to 400 chapters nationwide. Project Linus receives thousands of letters and thank you notes every year from children and their families who are touched that a stranger would take the time to make something for them. You can read some of their stories at Blanket Buzz.
Project Linus accepts all styles of new handmade blankets including quilts, tied comforters, fleece blankets, crocheted or knitted afghans, and receiving blankets. If you need help getting started, the Project Linus website offers many patterns to help plan your project. Blankets should be washable and made in child-friendly colors. Many sizes are accepted depending on the specific needs of each chapter. Contact your local chapter for more information and for the current needs in your area.
Local chapters also look for volunteers who can offer their time to collect and distribute blankets and also to organize and participate in blanket-making events throughout the year. Contact your local chapter to find out about current volunteer opportunities.

How we can All get involved.
Let's have a cyber blanket drive for Linus!!
The goal of our project is to donate 50 blankets to donate.  Kara of Petals to Picots is having a blanket drive on her facebook page.  She also has some great
The drive will be held on the honor system. Just add your commitment to the comments  on my Blanket Drive album on Facebook. When you have completed your blankets, contact your local chapter for drop off/pick up information. Let's shoot for a completion date of April 30, 2012.

We would also love to see your pics along the way!!
We can do this!!

Help us spread the word by adding a button to your blog!

Crafting for a cause

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Crafting For A Cause - Cards For Soldiers

Crafting for a Cause

Check out October and November's Crafting For A Cause at Ladybird Ln. 

Don't you appreciate the men and women who give up their time with their families to help keep peace in the world?   Who risk their lives everyday?  Whose kids go without seeing them for a year at a time?  For wives who raise kids by themselves while their husbands are out serving?  

I appreciate those in the military because I could never be in it or be married to a soldier.  The sacrifice is much too great.  

Take the time this month with you kids to send a Christmas card to a soldier.  Check it out HERE.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Reusuable Feminine Pads - Crafting For A Cause Link-up AND Recipe Book Extended!

Back to School

If you remember back about a month ago, I announced the Crafting For A Cause for August was to make reusuable feminine pads for girls in third world countries. Many of them are not allowed to go to school during their menstrual cycle because they don't have pads! Totally sad and gross. I'm grateful to live with the circumstances I live with!

Hopefully, some of you thought this was an important enough cause to make some pads and contribute them. The goal was 250 and so far 279 pads have been received! That's awesome, but there is still room for MORE. If you made some pads (or want to make some), link up your post about it at Ladybird Ln. for your chance to win a prize.

If you want to see how to make some of these reusuable feminine pads, click on over to Ladybird Ln. to see more.

Also, do you remember the post about the 50+ Bloggers Recipe Book where all the donations go to help the American Red Cross?

Drum Roll Please.......

Grand Total

Are you thinking what I am thinking? It is SO CLOSE to being $20,000! Only 75 more books or ebooks and we would hit $20,000! So our new goal has been made. Paper Coterie (the ones donating all the time and paper for printing the books) has been contacted and they will leave the book up on their site until we hit $20,000! I know we can sell 75 more. Let's hit $20,000! Just 75 more $10.00 donations!
If you were thinking about buying the book, but didn't get around to it, you have one last chance (and I think it will go quickly) to buy the recipe book for charity!

So a GREAT BIG THANK YOU is in order!

Monday, August 15, 2011

50+ Bloggers Recipe Book (100% Donation to American Red Cross)

It's here! It's here!

After literally MONTHS of creating, the "50+ Top Blogs All Time Favorite Recipes" cookbook is HERE!!! (And I am one of those 50+ bloggers). You may have seen a sneak peek of this gorgeous recipe book this past month. We hope you have been anxiously awaiting it. :) Now, until the end of August, it's available for purchase. But wait, scratch that, it's not a purchase. The best part is...

it's a donation!

100% of your donation will go to the American Red Cross to help the many people who have been affected by recent natural disasters around the world.

After seeing the devastation in Japan, several top blogs teamed together wanting to somehow make a difference. More than 50 blogs donated one of their favorite recipes to be complied into an incredible cookbook designed by chickabug (design talent was 100% donated as well). Basically, a lot of people worked really hard to make something extraordinary. Now, it's in your hands to make a difference.

This one-of-a-kind cookbook was originally only going to be offered as an E-book for a $10 donation. But after receiving feedback from readers, we realized that many of you want a physical copy. We approached our favorite publisher, Paper Coterie, who was willing to donate 100% of the supplies, and 100% of the cost of printing for this amazing cause. Are you feeling the warm tinglies yet?! We are!!! This started out as one person having an idea. Now over 50 blogs and an amazing publisher are involved and now it's YOUR turn.

Together we can will make a difference.

The E-book is for sale here for a $1o donation. If you have a computer in your kitchen or an electronic reader, (ipad, kindle,etc.) this is the copy for you. You can just click on the recipe you want from the table of contents and it will take you right there. It's sweet.

The hard cover cookbook is also available, (wait for it...) for only $10!

You will be amazed at the quality of this book. The only extra expense you will have will be for shipping ($4 or more depending on where you live and how many copies you order)

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You can smile knowing you made a difference to someone, somewhere. And you can smile because you will have a beautiful full color recipe book with gorgeous pictures and delicious recipes to try. We truly hope you love the cookbook. We think you will. You might just want to buy one for your mom, sister, and mother-in-law for Christmas. ;)

Please share this post with your friends and family on your blog, facebook, and twitter. Let's make this go VIRAL! How cool would that be?

Here is a button to put on your blog:

and the link:

Remember 100% of the proceeds will be benefiting the American Red Cross.

*The American Red Cross name is used with its permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, express or implied, of any product, service, company, individual or political position. For more information about the American Red Cross, please call 1-800-HELP NOW or email

Friday, August 12, 2011

Crafting For A Cause - Reusable Feminine Pads For Africa

Ladybird Ln

I am SOOO excited to introduce our Crafting for a Cause project for AUGUST!

Hopeful Threads Grab Button

Carlee(Ladybird Ln.), and I are teaming up with the fabulous Kristy from Hopeful Threads to bring you an AMAZING project.

Kristy's fun little blog is all about service! EACH month that you can help out with... She is also constantly giving fun prizes away! In fact you can win a beautiful FAT QUARTER BUNDLE, just by adding the {cute} Back to School From HERE to THERE button on your blog! More information

Back to School

This month we are doing a project where you can help kids in your community with school supplies HERE. Or/and you can help girls in different countries with feminine care items in other countries so they have the opportunity to participate in school all of the time.


I'm sure many of you are getting in the mode for all the back to school preparations. The shopping lists of notebooks, pencils, crayons and backpacks are are the aisles of these goodies at the local chain stores! For the "here" part of our project, we want to encourage you to purchase a little extra of these supplies to donate to others.

Please consider donating to a specific child in need or your own child's classroom. If you pause for a second, I'm sure you can instantly think of how this simple gesture could be a huge help! You can ask the teachers what supplies she might need for the class as well. School Supplies are CHEAPEST right before school. As a teacher I can attest that their are many kids, probably in your own school that can not afford the list of school supplies, or for whatever reason does not have a family that is willing to do so. In my years of teachers there were always those few parents who would go the extra mile, buy extra supplies, or even give money when needed.

If for some reason you don't want to donate locally their are other options. I want to introduce you to "Kids In Need Foundation".

Their mission is to ensure that every child is prepared to learn and succeed by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need. They have some terrific programs going on right now. You can either donate school supplies, or money, they can buy school supplies far cheaper than you can find in stores.


Now, for the "THERE" part of our project....and the sewing part! :)
I wanted to offer you the opportunity to consider a "back to school" item many probably never think about.

I feel SO BLESSED to live in a land where I have received a free quality education. I was stunned to find out that in many parts of the world, girls are unable to attend school during their menstrual cycle due to lack of regular feminine products, can you imagine?

So, although you might not think of feminine pads as a back to school item, they are NEEDED in parts of the world. The option of disposable products just isn't realistic or available for many, so these girls are often found trying to use whatever possible. I have heard of girls using trash, or mud, or missing out on school entirely.

That's where our plan of sewing this unusual "Back To School" necessity comes in!

This obviously isn't a new need, but one that will always be present. I recently read of the efforts of the Girls Only Project being hosted by blogger Lara at The Farmer's Wife Tells All. She is gathering supplies for 25 young ladies living in an orphanage in Uganda. She has had a great response, and if you are looking for a free online pattern for cloth pads or a place to send the ones you make, I encourage you to check out her project.

Additionally, here is a list of other places to find free cloth pad patterns/tutorials:

Reusable Menstrual Products

Tiny Birds

Jan Andrea

Sew Your Own Diapers

Days for Girls International Feminine Hygiene Program

As for where to donate the finished pads, here are a few suggestions:
Girls Only Project (mentioned above) (offers an extensive list of recipients!)

Who knew there was all this need, and resources. If you know of a local church or organization traveling for a mission trip, this is an easy to carry, light-weight donation that would be meaningful to women of all ages. Kristy from Hopeful Threads will be sending the pads she makes to a missionary she is connected with in Cambodia.


We hope you will join us in giving back this way! We have a goal of 250 cloth pads!
Sounds big, but with a little participation from a lot of folks, I know we can do it! And just think of all the sweet young ladies lives that will be touched! Whether you make 3 or 30, every. single. one. matters!

Since we appreciate every bit of participation, we have put together some very nice prizes for those who help spread the word and sew along! :)

The first prize for helping us out with this cause will be given at HOPEFUL THREADS the first of the month from the fabulous... Fat Quarter Shop....and let me tell you...OH BOY!!! You are gonna want in on this!!! For information about the giveaway go HERE!

We are going to have a LINKY PARTY at the end of the month, where you can share what you have made, and be entered to win a BACK TO SCHOOL craft party package... WHOOP WHOOP!!

So, please take a moment to add this button to the sidebar of your blog for the month of August.

Back to School

Share about the project on facebook, twitter or with local friends who love sewing and helping others. The more the merrier and the greater impact we can have!

Now, let's see what other causes, charities and ways to help are out there. Link up whatever it is! Visit the links and decide to help out at least one cause this month!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Camp Funk Adoption - Crafting For A Cause (Link up your Cause)

Adoption stories make me cry! I think adoption is such a wonderful thing. I especially love the brave lady who gives her child up for adoption to give him/her a better life. What courage and strength!!!

This month, the Crafting For A Cause is to help the Funk family adopt a sweet little girl who needs a family. Even though they already have 4 kids of their own, they want to bring a child into their family who the love and support that comes from being part of a family. The cost of adoption is very high (over $13,000) and the Funk family is looking for either monetary donations or crafty donations for an auction.

Head over to Ladybird Ln. to read more about the Funk family, this month Crafting For A Cause. There are two parts HERE and HERE.

You can also read about the Funk family on their family blog, Camp Funk HERE.

We feel so blessed to have the family and freedom that we enjoy. We do not have a lot of money at our disposal... but we can craft. That is kind of the idea behind Crafting for a Cause. We hope to showcase you, and simple projects that we can all participate in that will make a difference. We are excited for this journey, and we hope that you will join us! Please join with us in either helping with this cause or share your service/charity project by participating in our monthly linky party. Too often, we all get caught up in our own lives. Let's use blogland as a way of "doing good" for the world and improve it with at least one act of kindness a month.

If you have a service, cause or act of kindness you want others to know about, link it up here to a specific blog post about the good you want to do. Please do NOT link up an Etsy shop or something else to earn money for some material item you want to buy. Exploiting this cause is NOT cool.

Let's put aside our "WANTS" to help others with their "NEEDS."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pillow Fight! - And Pillowcase Tutorial!

I am so excited to be here at Someday Crafts... My name is Carlee, and I have a little blog with my sister Alyssa called Ladybird Ln. Before I get into my post today, I want to tell you a little about MICHELLE!

She is very SCARY.... or so I thought the very first time I met her.. You see, she was the teacher I student taught under... She intimidated me at first, but I soon realized what a great teacher she is, how much she cared about each of her students, and how well she was preparing me. Your first year of teaching, everyone says is really hard and challenging with a lot of surprises, but it was NOT for me. It was busy of course, but I didn't feel there was anything I couldn't handle. I attribute most of this to Michelle, she trusted me to do some very challenging things as a student teacher, that prepared me well for my first teaching job! I think so highly of Michelle, and I stalked her blog even before I knew she was the gal behind it all!

I am so excited to team up with Michelle for Crafting for a Cause! I feel so blessed to have the family and freedom that I enjoy. I do not have a lot of money at my disposal... but I can craft. That is kind of the idea behind Crafting for a Cause. We hope to showcase you, and simple projects that we can all participate in that will make a difference. I am excited for this journey, and I hope that you will join us! You will have the opportunity to share your service/charity project by participating in our monthly linky party. We will also give you the opportunity to participate in our featured service project for that month!

Ladybird Ln

We decided to start our first service project with a PILLOW FIGHT,

This month, I am featuring a project very near and dear to my heart. I have a great friend, Malynn, who is 14 years old, and has undergone some tough TOUGH medical stuff recently. She has been in and out of the hospital for the past 6 months. One might expect after all the medical problems she has endured, she would be bitter and resolved. But not Malynn! She is amazing in so many ways. Instead of focusing on her issues, she wants to help others. Malynn is an incredible seamstress, at the age of 14, she far surpasses my sewing ability! Just look at one of her latest purses..

Yup, she is amazing! She has made it a goal to donate 100 bright cheerful pillow cases to Primary Childrens Medical Center, to brighten up the patients rooms! When she was in the hospital, it was so comforting to have her own pillow.

I decided I wanted to help her out with this great cause.... and what better way than a

It is called Pillow Fight--For a Cause! Essentially, this is a pillow contest where you can enter your homemade ruffly throw pillows, your sweet decorative pillows, your fleecy flower pillows, your bedazzled pillowcases... pretty much anything pillow related, that you have made. THE CLINCHER IS, in order to enter this contest, you must donate a pillowcase, one pillowcase per entry! A bright, cheery, fun pillow case! You can either send it to me, and I will let Malynn donate it, or you can donate it to a local hospital, womens shelter, etc. You just have to let me know that you donated one!

We have some FABULOUS prizes for this contest. HUNDREDS of dollars worth of prizes! We will have guest judges narrow down the pillow field to ten, and then open it up to voting. The top three pillows will receive some amazing prizes. Sponsors for this event include... Kati Cupcake, Cap Creations, Sew Obsessed, Vinylize It, Funky Polkadot Giraffe, Naptime Crafters... And Malynn and I are even going to throw in some prizes. We will also have one random prize for anyone who links up--sound terrific, I think so! For more information click HERE!

So are you in? What is that you say, you don't know how to make a pillowcase? Well, let me show you! Creating a pillow case is simple, fast, and fun. It is a great beginner project, for any age. This would be a great project to teach your child how to sew! It took me less than an hour to complete this pillow case, and that was taking pictures as well!

Basic Pillow Case

Cutting List:
Main Body Fabric: 3/4 yard fabric {or 27 inches by Width of Fabric (WOF)}
Band Fabric: 1/4 yard fabric {or 9 inches by WOF}
Trim Fabric: (Optional): 1 strip, 2 inches by WOF

All seams are 1/4 inch, unless otherwise noted.
With wrong sides together, fold the band fabric in half lengthwise and press. Do the same with your trim fabric.
Baste together the folded trim piece to the folded band fabric. 1/8 inches from the raw edges along the length of the strips.

Basting, simply means create a long running stitch, so that the two pieces stay together. Don't worry if they do not line up perfectly at the ends, we will fix it later on.

Pin the band/trim to the right side of the pillowcase panel along the long edge, raw edges together, with trim sandwiched in the middle.

Sew together. Zig zag, serge, or overlock raw edges together (To help prevent fraying).

Trim up the uneven layers of your pillow. I used a rotary cuttery, ruler, and mat. But you could just use scissors!

Your pillow case should look like this now!

Fold the pillowcase right sides together. Pin together, making sure to match the band seam line. Sew a strait seam along raw edges. Zig zag, serge, or overlock raw edges.

Turn right side out; Press! You are finished Easy Peasy right! Below is some pillow case inspiration, all of these pillow cases are ones that I made, or that were given to me. Pillowcases make great gifts!

I tried to make this tutorial as strait forward as possible, but you can email me with any questions!
Please come join the Pillow Fight, on our blog! You can link up your pillow creations
June 15-22!

I am trying to spread the word about this contest, I would love to donate 100 pillow cases! I can not imagine what it would be like to have a child in the hospital for extended periods of time. I hope these pillowcases can be a comfort, and reminder of home! Please put a button on your blog, or contact me, I would love to come to your place and guest post about it!

Thanks Michelle for letting me crash your blog today! I am so excited to do a Crafting For A Cause project each month with Someday Crafts!

Ladybird Ln

THANKS, Carlee and Ladybird Ln. Didn't I tell you that this would be a great idea for our first Crafting For A Cause? A bright, colorful pillowcase for sick kids in a hospital! Love it!

I hope you all would like to join in and brighten some kids' days!

Ladybird Ln
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