Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

2014 Winter Categorically Crafting Party

Welcome to the
Categorically Crafting Show

Categorically Crafting photo PartyImage.png

where you can show off all of your fun ideas for

Please join your crafty post if, and only if, it corresponds with the category and theme of Winter. We would love to see any craft projects, clothing, décor, activities, gift ideas, or food ideas that correlate with Winter! (If it doesn't fit in this specific category though, you are welcome to link it up to Whatever Goes Wednesday.If you have joined a project that fits this theme to a party on my blog before, feel free to add it to this show too! If you have a lot of projects to show off, please choose your favorites. Remember to link to the specific posts, not to your main blog page. This makes it easier for readers to find your awesome ideas.

Let's see what you have created (either recently or in the past)!

This linky will be open until February 28, 2015, so keep checking back for more inspiration!

You can paste the "Categorically Crafting" button onto your blog post. I would love to see these floating around so more people can post their themed projects. Keep checking back for more ideas!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Small Craft Item Storage

Decorating a multi-drawer cabinet for storage

It's hard to believe that this very girly storage space from Craving Some Creativity was once a manly nuts and bolts storage unit. It's so pretty!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Guest Blogger - Easter Angel Craft from Christianity Cove

Today, we have Mary here from Christianity Cove with a great little craft to help the kiddos remember the meaning behind Easter. What a sweet idea!
“Angel Who Rolled the Stone Away” Paperweight Easter Craft

The most important part of Easter is that Jesus arose! This craft will help childrenkeep in their hearts the image of the angel who met the people at the tomb to give them the good news!
§ Large garden stones, perhaps the size of a baseball, 1 for each child
Note: If stones aren’t feasible, similar sized lumps of play dough can be used, 1 for each child

§ Small-sized coffee filters, 2 for each child

§ Cotton balls, 2 for each child

§ Toothpicks, 2 for each child

§ Thin gold ribbon, 12” for each child

§ Yellow pipe cleaners, 2 for each child

§ Pencil

§ Markers

§ White play dough (even if you’re using real rocks) 1 small clump for each child, the size of a large marble

1. If you pick rocks from your garden or a nearby pond, scrub them well so as not to fear getting Easter outfits soiled.

Instructions for students
1. Take one of the coffee filters and spread it out on the table.

2. Place the two cotton balls in the center.

3. Gather the filter fabric around the cotton balls and gather firmly beneath to make the angel’s head.

4. Tie the gold ribbon in a bow around the angel’s neck, then flounce out the filter skirt beneath.

5. Insert one toothpick under the skirt up into the cotton balls through the neck, then the second tooth pick. Spread them slightly like little legs.

6. To create the wings, fold the second coffee filter in half. Then pinch it in the middle. Wrap around the pinch the first piece of yellow pipe cleaner, leaving the ends the same length. Leave them dangling for now.

7. To create the halo, take the second piece of pipe cleaner and form one end into a circle around your pinky finger. Let the rest run straight down your finger to create an extension on which you can attach it to the angel’s neck.

8. Push the extension edge of the pipe cleaner down through the gold ribbon until the halo rests on the angel’s head.

9. There should be a 3-inch piece of straight pipe cleaner now sticking down into the angel’s dress.

10.Use the extension piece to wrap around the wings and keep them in place behind the angel.

11.To keep the bottom ends of the pipe cleaner from looking disorderly, wrap them around a pencil so they make circles like curling ribbon.

12.Write on the rock HE IS NOT HERE; HE IS RISEN.

13. Roll the small clump of play dough into the rock and stick it firmly on top.

14.Plant the little angel’s toothpick feet firmly into the play dough, and spread the skirt out around the rock.

Give the little angel to Mom or Dad as a paperweight!

Mary Kate Warner

Mary-Kate is a regular blogger at Christianity Cove (  You can often find her writing about Christian Parenting, Homeschool Teaching, Bible Study and Sunday School Activities, Faith and inspiring children to love God.  Follow her at @SundaySchoolGal  Facebook  Google+Pinterest
Thanks, Mary! Mary also has a Mom Challenge going on to help encourage her readers (and herself) to be a more effective and Christ-like parent. What a neat idea! Go check out her blog!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Autumn Tree Sculpture


Inner Child Fun has a fabulous tutorial for this cute little autumn tree. This is so easy for kids (or adults) to make!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Glittered Swirl Pumpkin #MPumpkins

I was so excited to get my pumpkin pack from Michaels! I've mentioned here before how I used to work at Michaels before my son was born. Part of my job included decorating all the fun pumpkins that were scattered around the store for inspiration. I loved using these craft pumpkins!
One of the reasons I love these craft pumpkins so much is there's no mess! No seeds or stringy innards to scoop out. AND - no rotting pumpkin mess to clean up after Halloween! These craft pumpkins can be decorated or carved once, and then reused every year. How cool is that?

For my first pumpkin, I decided to go with some glitter. I don't glitter many things, but it sounded fun. I headed to Michaels and picked up some of Martha Stewart's glitter glue and black glitter. I also picked up some ribbon to tie around it.
To make sure my design looked good and was spaced evenly, I used a pencil to lightly draw it on first. I knew the glue and glitter would cover the pencil marks, so I wasn't worried.
Then I worked a section at a time. I'd draw with the glue, then cover that section in glitter. Just be careful as you're going around. You want to make sure that each section is dry before you lay the pumpkin on that side or touch it with your hand. Squished glitter isn't pretty :)
Pretty soon the whole pumpkin was finished. I chose to tie some ribbon for these pictures, but I'm honestly not sure if I'll keep it on. What do you think? Is the ribbon too much?
 I toyed with the idea of a bow tied on top, but I didn't like that. Any suggestions? Or is it good the way it is?

By the way, this was a very messy project! I was covered in glitter at multiple points during this project!

On Saturday, October 5th, 2013, Michaels is having their Great Pumpkin Event! For just $6, you get a 9" pumpkin and all the supplies to create your own pumpkin! They'll also be doing free face painting! Be sure to head over next month and create your own pumpkin!

Did you also know that Michaels offers custom pumpkin carving for $19.99? If you don't have the time of skill to create your own pumpkin, you can head to Michaels, fill out a form, and then get your personalized pumpkin! How great is that? You can choose from over 25 styles and even have them personalized with names!

(Disclosure: Michaels Arts and Crafts provided me with an assortment of pumpkins, a carving tool, and a gift card to cover the cost of other crafting supplies. All of the opinions expressed in this post are my own)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Crafty Christmas Ornaments

The Christmas season is finally officially here! I am always on the lookout for fun and easy crafts that the kids can make and give as gifts. Marisa Howard Design shared these easy Crafty Christmas Ornaments that I know will be a hit this year. See all the details on her blog.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tulle Wreath

I'm getting ready for fall here in Ohio and I'm always on the lookout for fun and easy DIY decor. Candice Craves shared this Tulle Wreath with is this week and I know that it will be a cinch to make!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Washi Picture Frame

I know I have already admitted here to a small washi tape addiction. So I was just tickled when I found these Washi Picture Frames to share with you. Nancy at Cox's Corner has all the details.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pinwheel Garland

 Pin It

I'm feeling a little crafty this morning and I'm on the lookout for a project! Polish the Stars has shared this Pinwheel Garland with us. She has the complete instructions on her blog so you can create on of your very own.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

DIY Embossing Folders

A little something crafty today from Made with Love. Embossing folders can be expensive, but with this handy tutorial you will be making your own DIY Embossing Folders in no time! Think of the possibilities!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

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