Showing posts with label cone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cone. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2011

3 Conversation Heart Ideas!!!

I have to admit that I don't LOVE to eat conversation hearts! I just don't think they taste very good. I do, however, like the conversation heart crafts out there. Here are 3 I like!!!
With a bag or two of conversation hearts, you can make these awesome Valentine's cone! Our Forever House made them look fantastic on candlesticks!

This wreath made out of conversation hearts needs to be at my house! Thrifty 101 made this wreath into a Valentine's rockstar wreath!

Or you can make some endearing conversation heart topiaries like Simply Crafty! Make them big or small. Group them in threes or leave them by themselves! They look great no matter what you do with them.


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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pine Cone Tree

Young and Crafty made this delightful trio of trees. The one in the middle is made from pine cones! It looks awesome. The other two trees are made from yarn wrapped around a cone. Lovely!
See the pinecone tree tutorial!

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Santa Cones

I remember seeing some of these Santa Cones last year and thinking they were so adorable. Guess what? I still think they are totally adorable! My Garden of Eden is showing these off this year.
Read more about these Santa Cones.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Santa Hat Cones

I've tried to only highlight Thanksgiving and fall crafts because I think Thanksgiving is often skipped over. With less than 2 weeks until Thanksgiving, I will start featuring some Christmas crafts that are noteworthy.

I'm loving these Santa hat cones at The Little Green Bean. There's no tutorial, but you probably could figure out how to make them. There are lots of Christmas goodies on this blog.
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Cones

I am in love with all home decor items that resemble Santa without actually being a whole Santa! Does that make sense? Naturally, I'm in love with these Santa cones by Thrifty Decor Chick. Christmas decor doesn't get much better than these. Go HERE to see how they were made.

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