Showing posts with label cleaning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleaning. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to Make Wool Dryer Balls

Learn how to make wool dryer balls.

About a year ago, I bought some wool dryer balls. Since then, my mother, mother-in-law, sister-in-laws, and sisters have seen them and asked about them. I definitely notice a difference in drying time when I use them. I've thought about getting some for the women in my family, but they can be pretty pricey. However, The Seasoned Homemaker has a tutorial to make your own. I think I just added something else to my list of things to make!

See How to Make Wool Dryer Balls.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

How to Have a 10 Day De-Clutter-a-thon

DeClutteraThon Title How to Have a 10 Day De Clutter a thon (Only 15   30 minutes per day!)

I don't know about you, but my house starts to feel majorly cluttered in the fall and winter. Laura Sue Shaw has some great ideas for getting rid of the clutter in just a short amount of time each day. Perfect to do during naptime!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Why & How To Clean Your Sewing Machine

Love Your Machine and it Will Love You Back (Guest Blogger Purfylle) @ Ginas Craft Corner

Purfylle is guest posting over at Gina's Craft Corner about sewing machine maintenance. I'll admit, my machine has never been serviced or cleaned. I should probably remedy that, and now I can do some of it at home!

See Why & How to Clean Your Sewing Machine.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

DIY Goo Remover

2 Ingredient Homemade Goo Remover!  This is food safe...  and uses only 2 ingredients you already have on hand!  Works like magic!

This goo remover from Spend with Pennies is so cheap, but appears to work amazingly well. I've never tried it, but I'm definitely going to!

See the DIY Goo Remover.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Work for Hire Chore Chart

DIY Chore Chart

Occasionally I'll let our 5-year-old earn money for doing additional, out-of-the-ordinary chores. Small amounts are sufficient for him - a quarter is usually all it takes to make him happy. I love the idea of using a chart like this one from My Love For Words is fabulous. This would be great for not only developing a good work ethic, but also learning financial responsibility!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DIY Gel Air Fresheners

Do you have smelly bathrooms? Or just want to freshen up your home without harsh chemicals and smells? While He Was Napping has a great recipe for making a natural freshener.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

9 Fall Fix-ups that Lower Winter Heating Bills

The weather here has finally turned. Our high for the next couple days is supposed to be in the 30's! Yuck! Anyway, one things I've been thinking about is how to keep our heating bill lower this year. Our place isn't old (built within the last 5 years, I believe), but I can still feel some drafts and cold air seeping through the windows. So this post from Condo Blues with tips on lowering your heating bill was very timely!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fridge Mats from Placemats

diy fridge mats Fridge Mats from $2 Placemats

 2 Little Superheroes use some cheap placemats to make shelf mats for her fridge. What a genius idea! I've tried the Press N' Seal idea that was floating around on Pinterest, but that just left a sticky film on the shelves. This looks much more doable!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Milk Jug Toy Scoop

Crafty Journal - Milk Jug Toy Scoop

I don't know about you, but I've spent way too much time on the floor picking up tiny legos and other toys. Crafty Journal created a toy scoop - to eliminate that tedious process! Yay for parents everywhere!

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