Showing posts with label chalkboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chalkboard. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Chalkboard Cake Pops

Chalkboard prints are really popular right now, and Cake Poppin (posting at Pint Sized Baker) turned cake pops into tiny chalkboards. How cute is that?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mini Chalkboard Magnets

 My hubby and I love to leave little message for each other - usually on our white board. He used to work super duper late so I would leave him a note before going to bed. These cute little message magnets from Hello Little Home would have been so fun to use too!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Herb Starter Garden with Kreation Krate + A Giveaway

Hey there crafters! Have you heard of Kreation Krate yet? If not, I think you're going to love them! They're similar to other monthly box subscription companies, but they send you all the items you need to complete a craft! AND they send something for you to make/pass along as a random act of kindness or for a charity. Isn't that such a neat idea?!

Here's the box they sent me - so pretty! And there was even a sweet little note!

They sent all the supplies I would need to start my own little herb garden.

I've always wanted to have some fresh herbs, but I've never gotten around to it. This was perfect!

I didn't even have to go buy soil. They had these AWESOME little soil pellets that, when soaked in warm water, plump up to be a little package of soil! I'm sure they're not anything new, but I was in love. No digging through dirt and spilling it all over. I was thrilled that I didn't need any additional items to complete this project!

This project came together very quickly. In all total, I think it took about 25 minutes to complete. Or at least it would have if I hadn't been trying to calm a fussy newborn and keep track of my 5-year-old who was outside playing.
I gave the pots a quick spray with the chalkboard spray paint.
After they dried, I added the plumped soil pellets (SO EASY!) and used the chalk to write the names of the herbs. I didn't even have to try and use my son's sidewalk chalk because they provided the chalk! Score!
I was just going for simple, so I didn't use the cute little cloud stencils they sent or the white craft paint. I knew I didn't have long to craft, so nothing fancy this time around. I also didn't paint the inside of the pots because I didn't want any chemicals getting into the soil or herbs.
Instead, I just wrapped some washi tape around the top (also provided in the box) and called it good! I followed the planting instructions and we should have some little sprouts in about 5-7 days!
The Random Act of Kindness activity they sent along were these little wildflower pods. Such a sweet idea!
Just wrap up the seed and the planting instructions in the burlap, tie them with the twine and card, and you're done. Again, so easy! My son wants to give them to the other families in our little preschool, so we'll be handing them out tomorrow. I did have a picture of them all finished and cute...but it's gone missing. I'll have to check the other computer that I used to edit them.
Anyway, what do you think? Are you as excited about Kreation Krate as I am? I am all about easy. What's easier than to have all the necessary supplies delivered right to your door each month? Plus, the instructions have ideas for left over supplies - like the chalkboard paint. They suggested using it to upcycle old food jars into storage jars. I just think it's such a neat idea - creating crafts and creating kindness!
Do you want to get your hands on one of these boxes? Then keep reading!
Kreation Krate is giving away 1 box to 3 winners. The box you receive will be the same supplies to make your own herb garden. Just use the rafflecopter widget below to get entered!
If you don't want to wait for the giveaway and want to get your subscription started now, then you can visit Kreation Krate and use the code "Someday5" to receive $5 off your first box. These boxes are normally $26, so you'll be getting one for only $21!
Okay, now that I've typed way too much, go get entered!! The giveaway will be open through midnight on Monday, April 14th and we'll announce the winners on Tuesday, April 15th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, January 27, 2014

Wedding Chalkboard Sign

The Life of a Craft Crazed Mom made this fun wedding sign. This would make a great wedding or anniversary gift!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Easy DIY Chalkboard Labels

The Happy Housie used laminate samples to make these easy chalkboard labels. What a quick, frugal idea!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Handmade Chalkboard Frame


Bohemian Junktion used a frame from Target to make this gorgeous frame. What a cute idea for a wedding, anniversary, or any other time!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

DIY Chalkboard Christmas Canvases

I know chalk paint isn't a revolutionary idea, but I love this idea from Designer Trapped in a Lawyer's Body. She put up not just 1, but 3 chalkboard canvases and decorated them for Christmas. So fun!

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