Showing posts with label cupboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cupboard. Show all posts

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Open Kitchen Cupboard

Kammy's Korner was tired of useless kitchen cabinets, so she came up with a solution. Take off the doors! I think her makeover looks great!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Reader Submission Highlights!

I get quite a few submissions, and unfortunately, I'm not able to feature all of them. So today, I am highlighting a some submissions I have received in the past week. Thanks for everyone who submits ideas. I hope I don't offend when I can't show your projects off. That is one of the main reasons I have link parties!!!

There are SO MANY items you can create using cupboard doors (and they all turn out beautiful!) Super Saturday Crafts And More madeover this cupboard door into a sign/keychain holder. Lovely!

With fall around the corner, a leaf mobile is perfect for inside your house! Homework :Be Inspired created these leafs using fabric! They won't crumble to pieces! Darling!
What a fun, flowery necklace this is. I Heart Jenny's Art made it out of scraps!

I don't show many room remodels, but I looking at before and afters! This is a great bathroom makeover! See it at The Little Brown House.

Stop your mouth from watering. These are not as they appear. Suzy's Artsy-Crafty Sitcom created this box of chocolate pin cushions! Seriously, a yummy idea! Very creative!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Make Your Own Beadboard!

This picture is a little difficult to see, but this post at Me Making Do is a great idea! She turned her boring cupboard doors into her own beadboard doors using a router! Amazing!!!! GO HERE to read the details.

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