Showing posts with label belt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label belt. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Steamer Trunk Dresser

Dear Emmeline covered an old dresser with burlap and gave the hardware a makeover too. I've never seen anything quite like this!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nerf Ammunition Belt

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This ammo belt from On a Sewing Streak might be the coolest thing EVER! My son (and husband) would beyond thrilled if I made this for their Nerf battles.
Find out to make this Nerf Ammunition Belt.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Make Your Own Belts!

Pin It  Head over to The Ribbon Retreat blog to see how Family Ever After made two different really cute belts in just a few minutes!!!   My favorite one is this lace webbing one!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Leather Flowers

Why not wear some Spring flowers with your clothes?  This leather flower from Melly Sews is gorgeous.  I'd love it in some softer colored leather for Spring. 

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lace Belt

Scarves and belts are definitely "in" right now.   The Letter 4 made this adorable stretchy lace belt for a dress.   I'm diggin' it!  

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa Pillow and Bucket

I'm loving the Christmasy front porch at Home Stories A2Z.    How cute is that pillow and apple bucket?!?!   She just put a regular black belt around a red pillow.   And one around a red bucket with a little bit of white fluff at the top!   I love the little tree decorated in the bucket.  SO adorable!!!  Gotta remember this for next year!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Great ideas!

Another great week of link-ups! I can't highlight them all so here are just a few!

Bring on the glitter! Queen of Iwasagonna glammed up some 2x4 with orange glitter to make some rockstar glitter pumpkins!

Why didn't I think of this simple idea? My son will not wear any type of tie if it clips inside his shirt! Love City basically attaches a safety pin to the tie and the shirt! This would totally work with my son (and probably yours)!

I love this idea from seven thirty three - A Creative Blog for the first day of school pictures. So fun!

Just Sew Sassy created a belt of felt flowers for the fall! It's gorgeous! (It would look cute as a headband too!)

Eating My Candy has found another thing you can spray paint - your shirt! I love her technique for spray painting a shirt!

See more links to the Whatever Goes Wednesday Party.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scrappy Belt

I've got a scrappy belt and I love it! It looks amazing with a plain shirt and blue jeans. Everyone NEEDS one of these! Thanks to Backstitch Baby for providing a tutorial.

Found via One Pretty Thing.

Here We Are Together
This post is sponsored by Here We Are Together.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Spray Painted Leather Belt ( & 2-tier Skirt)

I didn't know you could spray paint leather, so check out this tip from Cat On A Limb. She liked a belt, but not the color so she spray painted it! This is great news for thrift store shoppers!!!


While you are visiting Cat on A Limb, check out how she made this simple 2-Tier Skirt without a pattern. Very interesting way that I wouldn't have thought of!


See the Two-Tier Skirt.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Petal Pillow and Felt Flowers!

I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar's Momma rocks! She made this pillow. I love crafty Grandmas!!!

Make felt flowers like these to wear on everywhere. In your hair, on a shirt, a belt, a bag, etc. This is also be I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar!

See the felt flower tutorial.

See what it looks like in fall colors on a belt! Beautiful!

This post sponsored by The Speckled Dog

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Reversible Frayed Belts (and Such!)


A while ago, I left a comment on the great blog, Dilly Dally and Flitter. The hilarious Michelle wrote me back and asked me if I liked anything I saw on her blog. SO I went back to look and saw her frayed belts!


I fell in love immediately. Of course, I told her how beautiful her handmade reversible belts were.... and she SENT me one!!!! And a Dangle Bangle!!!! How lucky am I? Check out these babies! They dress up a pair of jeans and make a monochromatic outfit pop!!!! They are fashion statements all by themselves!!!!

I am not really a fashionista, but I'm know something chic when I see it. My SIL (who spends a lot of money on clothes at expensive department stores) tried to STEAL the belt from me while we were on vacation together. Seriously!!!! Hands off one of my few "runway worthy" items!!!!

Dilly Dally and Flitter has serious style. I'm loving this belt using greens! I want this one too!

I've seen
dangle bangles, but never realized how much I NEEDED one. I put it on my boring keychain and started an instant love affair (Please, don't tell my husband.)
I am better able to keep track of my keys AND it is a godsend since I have little kids. While herding the kids in and out of the minivan/carseats, unloading groceries and running errands, the keys stay on my wrist right where I need them. I can't say enough about Dangle Bangles. I should have bought one a LONG time ago!

Dilly Dally and Flitter also makes gorgeous
camera straps. None of her scrappy products are exactly the same. I'd love to have an expensive camera to adorn this camera strap. What a great compliment the camera would be!!!

She just started making this pink camera strap as a tribute to those who face breast cancer. I'm in awe!!! (To just see why I think Michelle has a hilarious writing voice, you should read this post titled Cancer Should Just Leave Your Boobies Alone.... She can take a serious, somber subject and turn it into something that will make you smile and maybe even laugh.)

And I should mention one last thing, the packaging was very professional. It was like a present sent through the mail.
Dilly Dally and Flitter uses the paisley and I loved the packaging! I could easily feel comfortable buying one of these products and having it sent directly to a loved one for a gift!!!

If you want to get some birthday or Christmas shopping out of the way, check out this shop. You will find something perfect for females who cares about function and/or style!!!

Michelle at
Dilly Dally and Flitter is always coming up with new tips that will make your life easier, and crafts that give new life to products you probably already have (plus her commentaries are SURE TO MAKE YOU LAUGH!)- so be sure to sign up and follow her blog!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Leather Belt, Flower and Headband!

Learn how to make a leather belt HERE with I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar! That cute leather flower is a clip that can be detatched and used in your hair, on a purse, bag or shirt! Think of the possibiliites. Click HERE for the leather flower tutorial.

And LAST, but certainly not the least, this is Queen Disney's (at Ruffles and Stuff) LAST tutorial. These leather headbands are simply adorable! Go HERE to make one!
It is a sad week for all of us that were in awe of Disney's talent. If you haven't let her know of your thankfulness for sharing her creative talent yet, go do it HERE. She is such an inspiration. We will miss you, Disney (and Paige!)

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Monday, March 15, 2010

One Little Belt

The winner of the Timeless Treasure $30 jewelry giveaway is:
#80 (Using the Random Number Generator)
Congrads to AMANDA JONES!!!
Send me an email at
If you didn't win, you can purchase something at Timeless Treasure by going HERE.

Announcing a new Giveaway
for your favorite Baby or Toddler!

Just in time for EASTER!!!

Have you ever gone to dress your baby in a pair of pants and a
onesie only to find that the pants had belt loops, but no

Have you ever watched your 10 month old slowly lose his pants
as he crawls around the house?

Does your toddler have a hard time keeping his pants up, even
after you have cinched up his waistband?

ONE little BELT
has the solution at

ONE little BELT is the place
to find the perfect toddler belts and baby belts.
They specialize in belts for babies and toddlers, ages newborn to 3 years.
Babies need belts for all the same reasons adults do.
Belts complete an outfit, no matter your age.
And as they learn to crawl and walk, babies need help keeping pants up.

They also have fun fashion belts for baby girls and toddler girls.
These baby and toddler belts are faux leather and come in a variety of finishes like
patent leather and glitter.
They have tons to choose from so you are sure to find several that you love.

Whether your baby is thick or thin, a belt will finish the outfit as a great accessory.

If your baby is longer than he is wide, their belts will hold those pants in place.
They carry full-grain leather belts for boys in black and brown,

in several styles including casual and dress.

The belts at ONE little BELT come in three sizes to fit all babies and toddlers:

0-6 months (15-18 in. waist),

6-12 months (18-20 in waist) and

12-36 months (20-23 in. waist).

And lucky for you, Kilee at ONE little BELT is doing a
fabulous giveaway here on Someday Crafts. The winner will win

A FREE BELT of their choice at

Perfect for you to use as gifts for your family or someone you know.


**Please note: You must enter in a separate comment for each entry. Thanks.

How to enter?

Visit ONE little BELT and
tell me what belt you would select. Leave me a comment with your email
address (so I can notify you if you win).

Want to be added in again?

"Follow" my blog. Add yourself on the left sidebar at the top.
(Already are? You're automatically entered in again. Write another comment.)

A Third Entry?

"Follow" ONE little BELT or on Facebook.

Add yourself on the right side bar of the blog as you scroll down.

Another entry?

Put my button and ONE little BELT's button on your blog.

(If you already have one? Just remind me in a new comment.)

Another entry?

Make a post about this giveaway on your own blog with a link.

Share this excitment with your friends and readers.

This giveaway will run until Monday, March 22. The winner
will be announced on Tuesday. If by some chance you don't win,

the link to ONE little BELT will be on my right sidebar

for at least the next month!

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bow Tie and Belt and GIVEAWAY Winner

The winner to the Starr Clothing giveaway is #22 - Sew Happy Stacy. (I used the True Random Number Generator at to select the winner.) If you didn't win, take advantage of the awesome winter sale to get a cute skirt or jumper for a little girl HERE.

Finding fancy or "church" clothes for my son are difficult and EXPENSIVE. HERE is one option that makes sense for boys because it is easy and inexpensive. This would also be great for a wedding where you want all the boys to have matching bow ties and/or belts (keep the costs down)! Thanks to This Blessed Nest for the tutorial.

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