This is the tutorial for the rose balls A to Zebra Celebrations used in her daughter's birthday party.
A little story about these. I was in Los Angeles, CA this past March. I went shopping with my aunt. We walked into this little store downtown and they had some gorgeous rose balls hanging from the ceiling. I asked the clerk if they were for sale and she said "yes". I told her I wanted 3 of the pink ones. She told me "we are sold out, and we won't get any for another month". I was devastated, because my party was in like 3 weeks! I knew these would be perfect for the party. I had no choice, but to try and make them myself.....ha! Here's what I came up with and it's super easy, but you need to know that it took me over 7 hours to make these 3 balls... sooooooo much time!!!
Materials: Roses, foam ball and glue gun.
(You can also spray paint the foam ball, but I did not)
Take the roses apart and get rid of all the greenery.
Take your glue gun and add some to the stem. 
Stick it in the ball right away before your glue dries. You will need to press hard and hold for a minute or two.
Your rose will look like this when you let go.
I added some hot glue inside the petals to make them look tighter.
Then add another rose, and another, and another....until your ball is full
You want to stick them pretty close together so you have no white spots showing .
And here's what your rose ball will look like!!
Here's where I used them for my daughter's party!
I also used one of them for this zebra photo shoot and just put it on a candle holder. The possibilities for these gorgeous rose balls are endless! I'd love to hang these in a nursery room, or use them for a wedding, you could also hang them above a desserts table, etc..etc... Let your imagination come up with new ideas for these!! Send me an email with pictures if you decide to make these and use them on your upcoming party! I'd love to see them :)Feel free to ask any questions. My email: atozebracelebrations@hotmail.com
Thanks!!!! Visit A to Zebra Celebrations to see more fantastic ideas!