Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Lego Business Card Holder

In our Lego obsessed home, functional creations go over really well, like this one from Polish The Stars! She created a business card holder out of Legos. How cool is that!? Wouldn't this would look so fun on the desk of an office?

See the Lego Business Card Holder.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Make Your Own Business Cards Using Your Silhouette

Make Your Own business
Create and Babble has an easy tutorial for designing and cutting your own business cards using your Silhouette. I think they turned out fabulous! I love finding out all the new things that the Silhouette can do!
Find out how to Make your own Business Cards using your Silhouette Cameo.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Lucky Break In Life (For Me and maybe, You!) Paparazzi Accessories!

It finally happened! For a couple of years, I've been looking.... hoping.... searching for my lucky break in life. Don't we all wish for that? I think I've finally found it!!!!

Because my husband doesn't make a ton of money at his job, I get to help bring in some money and so I'm always searching for ways to make money without going back to teaching school full-time. Last year, I worked at a montessori pre-school where my kids attended and loved it. This year, that job is not working out because of my daughter's kindergarten schedule.

I've tried having an etsy shop and sewing things to sell. I've tried having a blog. All those things take so much time and don't pay well at all. I make about $2 a hour with all those options.

I've been keeping my eyes open for employment opportunities that work with my kids' schedule (and allow me to be home as much as possible) and I am so excited that I found an awesome one! It is an answer to my prayers!

I recently came across a NEW direct sales company called Paparazzi.

They sell fashionable jewelry and accessories at an amazing price. Every product is ONLY $5. The products are so cute and so reasonable that people can't help but buy a ton! Below are just a few of the offerings of the company. (Remember, they are only $5 each!)

Gorgeous earrings

Big Rings

(Sets of necklaces with matching earrings for only $5).

Clips (including those with feathers) that have a hair elastic, pin and clip for multiple ways of wearing it.

Trendy Headbands

Chunky Bracelets

This business is similar to company like Scentsy, Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Stampin' Up (etc.) only much better. It is a direct sales company that is just getting started, and as I see it, has the potential for so much growth and success. Of all the direct sales companies that hold "parties,"
Paparazzi is, by far, the winner - in my opinion. Here's why I think this:

*The jewelry is inexpensive (everything is $5), adorable and current with the trends. The jewelry literally sells itself. People buy a lot of it because is costs so little!!!! Instead of buying one necklace at a store in the mall for $20 and then matching earrings for an additional $10, a Paparazzi customer can buy 6 pieces of jewelry for the same price!!! SCORE!

*The customer doesn't have to make an order, pay for shipping and wait a week to get their things. They can take it home immediately because the jewelry is on-site. And the consultant doesn't have to do deliveries and follow-up with problems that arise from wrong shipments!

*The commission rate on each piece of jewelry is great (45%). So for every piece of jewelry a consultant sells, they make about $2.25. I'm excited to have a party where $500 is sold because I will get to take home over $225 in one night. That's more than I make from my blog for a month!!! At most parties, a consultant will sell between $150-$350 in jewelry. That's $70-$157 for just 3 hours of work. Not too bad! (I'm doing a small town fair in a few weeks and am hoping to make $400 in one day!!!)

*"Parties" are actually open houses. Customers come and go at their own time and own pace. I don't have to say much because the jewelry sells itself. Set the jewelry up, and watch women hyperventilate over the great deal on a gorgeous product they want and already use. No high pressure speeches like I've felt at some Mary Kay and Pampared Chef parties!!!!

*The rules of
Paparazzi are very consultant friendly. You can put their product in retails sites. If you already own a business, you can add this to shelves. There are so many fun things I can do to sell this product that I wouldn't be able to do with some of the other direct sales companies.

*Paparazzi is NEW. For those people who join and start building a business, the quick growth they experience now will financially benefit them BIG TIME - especially in a few months (and years). There are less than 750 consultants in the whole company right now. Compare that to a company that has 100,000 consultants who have already done 1,000,000 parties.

*When a consultant books a party, multiple guests want to host a party to receive free jewelry. It has been easy to get parties planned (Because the company is new and not oversaturated the market with their product.) This means more money for you!

*On top of the direct commission a consultant earns when they sell products, they also receive money from people who join their team when they make sales. This is a great chance to be a leader and a friend. There always seems to be promotions for great prizes going on too!

I really could write 10 more reasons I think that me finding Paparazzi is my lucky break and such a blessing to our family. I plan to benefit from all they offer.

I would love you to join my team for offering inexpensive, adorable jewelry to the world. Joining is easy and quick and you can start making money within the week. I have a few "Back-to-School" parties planned. Moms are looking forward to saving money on their teens and tweens by purchasing this jewelry instead of wasting it on mall jewelry. It is a great time to throw some parties!!!!

I am in the process of setting up a support site/blog for anyone who joins my team. It will have many resources to help you build your business. There are already some printables (invitations, drawing slips, etc.) as well as many tips and techniques to build your business. I want to save you time and help you know how to increase your party bookings and sales.

If you live along the Wasatch Front in Utah, I will be holding an open house/party tomorrow (Wednesday, August 10) from 6:30pm-8:30pm at my mom's house in Sandy. You are welcome to come and check it out or talk with me about
Paparazzi. Email me at for the address and directions, please. I will also be in town all of Wednesday day if you want to meet with me.

If you don't want to join Paparazzi as a consultant, but would like to get FREE jewelry and accessories, I would be thrilled to have an open house for you. That would be a great honor for me! Email me ( to set up a date.

Please feel free to visit the Paparazzi website to learn more about the company! The "Opportunities" page has more information about how this company can benefit you financially, how much it costs to start your own business and states the policies and procedures. (Click on the buttons at the bottom).

Please email ( me letting me know what you are interested in! I can get you products, have an open house for you or sign you up as one of my team members. If you have questions, please ask. If you want to join as a consultant, my sponsor ID number is #1681. Hopefully, you will see Paparazzi as one of your lucky breaks in life and a blessing (like it is in mine.)

Come aboard and let's help support our families while having fun and looking gorgeous!

A Little Heart-To-Heart About Blogging

I want to thank everyone who guest blogged for me while I was away on maternity leave. The tutorials were awesome and it was nice to have a break! Hopefully, all of you enjoyed the guest bloggers and found some new blogs to read! To look back over the tutorials, click on the "Guest Blogger" link under Labels or HERE.

I can't believe that Remington is already 6 weeks old!

Time passes so quickly when you have 3 kids! Because I am so busy, the days and nights fly by.

Remington is such a good baby! He rarely is fussy and sleeps well at night. My other two kids have adapted well to this big change in their life. They love their brother!

I love my little guy! There is something so sweet and special about the bond between a baby and its mommy. He knows me, loves me, wants me and brings me such joy!

Our life, as a family of 5, is truly a party. I'm loving the new addition and all the fun moments it has brought. We are just so blessed to have happy and healthy kids! I look forward to all the coming moments that I get to share with these incredible people. Family rocks!

Thanks for all the kind messages and little notes about my family and me. It means so much to me that you care about my life outside of blogging. A few of you have asked how I have been handling everything ,and for the most part, it hasn't been too bad. Unfortunately, I think life is going to change in a few weeks when school starts and we have to be out of the house before 10am!!! I have been doing A LOT of thinking about how I am going to handle everything - especially this blog.

There are days when I love blogging and there are days when I don't want to turn the computer on, but I do because I feel obligated. There are moments when I just want to quit for so many reasons. I compare. I get discouraged. I wonder why isn't my blog bigger, better and more popular. Some days, I spend way too much on the computer and not enough time giving my kids the full attention they need. Some times I wonder if my blog makes any positive difference at all. Does my blog matter? Any of you feel this similar way?

I didn't start this blog to make money. I started this blog to save projects of things I wanted to learn how to make because I am not a very crafty person. When I started getting some followers, I had this crazy thought that "maybe I can make some money off this blog." And so, I went for it. I spent more and more time highlighting cool projects and trying to build a blog. It became one of my jobs. I had no idea what I was doing.

And now, three years later, I still don't know what I am doing. I do make some money, but not enough to justify the time I spend blogging. The original intent of my blog has definitely changed because I don't have much time to make the projects I am highlighting. I ask myself often "Why?" Why am I doing this? For those of you wondering, I earn about $140-$180 a month from this blog and I spend probably 80-90 hours a month on this blog. That's not a great income!

I've been doing a lot of thinking and some things will be changing on this blog. I will be accepting more guest bloggers. If you want to guest blog, shoot me an email. I'd love to have you. I plan to have two posts a day like I had the past month. I still plan to host the Wednesday party and Giveaway Directory on Thursday. I will highlight a charity once a month. I've got to cut down on the amount of time I spend on the computer and this blog. It just isn't worth it to me. However, I hope you will continue to come to this blog for inspiration because I still plan to highlight amazing ideas found throughout blogland.

Please make submissions of your best projects. Please volunteer to guest post! Please keep creating projects that inspire me and others!!! Just don't expect me to reply to every email I receive and every comment that is made. I just can't do it! The world is in need of creativity and joy!

Come back and read the next post to see one of the major reasons I need to spend less time on this blog!!! A great opportunity has come my way!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Making Your Own Patterns and E-Patterns

I've thought about making patterns for different clothing items before, but didn't know where to start. Maybe you have had some of the same thoughts. I've found a few links to help you in your attempt to make a pattern.

Check out these tips on making a pattern at Cat On A Limb. She walks you through making a pattern for the cute shrug in the top picture.

If you want a VERY thorough and professional explaination and descriptions of how to make patterns (maybe if you plan on selling some), you will definitely want to read this three part series from The Scientific Seamstress (on Sew, Mama, Sew! ) She is incredibly helpful!!!

(Found via UCreate).

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Perfect Card

When you are wanting to send out cards for special occassion, you need to check out The Perfect Card. They specialize in unique, fun, custom photo cards for any occasion:
  • Birthday invitations
  • Baby announcement
  • Wedding Invitations
  • Shower Invitations
  • Anniversary Annoucements
  • Graduation
  • Spring/Easter
  • Custom Logos
  • And More!

Check out a sample of what The Perfect Card has in their shop!

Beautiful birth announcements to let everyone know about the arrival of your new baby like this little whale card.

The Perfect Card has many wedding announcements and save the date cards for your liking. This "We Do" announcement is simple and beautiful. Save your money by not involving an expensive print shop!

Personalize your child's birthday invitations from the big selection of birthday cards. This is one example for a first birthday from which to choose!

With high school graduation coming up quickly, The Perfect card has quite a few ways to announce this great accomplishment like this modern swirl card. (This is so much less expensive than ordering the ones through your child's school!!!!)

Let The Perfect Card assist you in making the perfect custom logo for your business, blog or other adventure. The price of a custom logo is outrageously inexpensive compared to other places I have looked. (My favorite example is this modern tree!)

Just browse through The Perfect Card's amazing selection, choose a pre-made design, or let Amber create a custom one for you, and then email the photos to EASY PEASY!!!!

The price of each card includes up to 3 revisions.
After you approve your beautiful card, a high resolution file, along with instructions for printing, will be sent to you for developing at your choice of photo labs.
The cards are developed just like a photo, so it has a very professional finish.

Most cards are available in two sizes, 5x7 and 6 x 7.5 (exclusive size to Costco, must be printed there, and comes with envelopes).
When you order a card from The Perfect Card in the next month, write "SOMEDAY10" at check out and receive 10% off your order!

TPC Blog Sidebar Button

Visit the
The Perfect Card

to find YOUR Perfect Card to complete a perfect event!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

DIY Clothing Labels

For those of you that like to make your own clothes or are selling clothing or accessories in which you would like your own labels, you've got pay attention to this tutorial from Running With Scissors. It looks quite easy and is so much less expensive than ordering labels from a company.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thirty-One Bags

There often is something in which women/moms can't have enough. We need bags!!!! Bags for carrying around all our "stuff" and all our kids' "stuff."

We need bags for the beach/swimming pool. Bags to carry "snow clothes" to and from school. Bags for make-up. Bags for travel and weekend trips. Bags for kids' homework. Bags for sporting events. Bags for church, cameras, computers and spare change. Bags for EVERYTHING!!!


Recently, I was introduced to company, Thirty-One, that offers solutions to the bag dilemma. Thirty-One which sells just about every type of bags and purses possible. The best thing about Thirty-One is the bags are super cute, very functional and quite reasonable! Thirty-One helps solve the problem for those of us in need of bags.


And let's not forget our purses! It seems we like purses for different occasions and different styles of clothing. I love Thirty-One's Purse and skirts (p.12-13). One purse with handles in which you can change the outside of purse by taking off the skirt and putting on a new one! You don't have to empty the contents of the purse every time you want to change the outside of the purse! Brilliant!
Some of the bags I really think are handy include the thermal totes (p. 26-27). Great for keeping warm food warm and cold things cold. Perfect for lunch bags, picnics, taking dinner to someone or bringing food to a party!
Another set of bags that would help me be more organized are the "Around The House" bags (p. 22-23). In one of them, you can carry around files! How cool would your file cabinet in a bag be!!! I NEED ONE!
Thirty-One also sells some useful baskets (p24-25) - really cool, functional baskets! In the catalog, the is a picture of a basket you can use in the bathroom. It holds TP rolls, acts at the TP dispenser and a holds a magazine. LOVE IT!
You've got to flip through the on-line catalog and see all the bags, purses, baskets and aprons they offer. The fabrics and materials they offer are stylish! These are not your Grandma's bags!
Another great aspect of Thirty-One's products is almost everything can be personalized like the bag above. They offer to embroider your bags to your liking!
Here are a few bags from the upcoming Spring catalog coming out in just a few days. Worthy of drool! Makes me excited for warmer weather!

For a Spring catalog due out Feb. 1, Randee will send you a link or a paper catalog if you request it via a comment to her Thirty-One Purses and Gifts blog.
Randee, A Thirty-One consultant, is doing a
giveaway for a $10 gift certificate
towards anything in the catalog. All you need to do is go to her blog and leave a comment from 5pm today until February 1.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ribbons and Bows Oh My!!!!!

Ribbons! Ribbons! Ribbons! Look no further than Ribbons and Bows Oh My! for a wide variety of colors, textures, styles, widths and prints in ribbon. They have EVERYTHING when it comes to ribbon! Whether you own a small mommy-business making hair bows, participate in craft shows or just make bows for you daughters, Ribbons and Bows Oh My! is a one-stop shop!
In addition to ribbons, Ribbons and Bows Oh My carries just about anything else for hair accessories. I seriously can't believe how inexpensive a group of 23 different colored crochet headbands are. It makes me want to open an etsy store and sell children's items. See how reasonable these headbands are HERE.
This convenient pack of 16 nylons headbands are so much less than you can make them yourself. See the price of these nylon headbands HERE.
There are so many ribbon collections. I'm loving this group of oranges. In the collections, Ribbons and Bows Oh My gives you 5 yards of every kind. Different widths, colors and styles. (And the ribbon groups once again are very reasonable.)

If you are a scrapbooker or love to accumulate pretty paper for craft projects, then RABOM has a variety of coordinating scrapbook paper for you!

You can find any type of clip, headband, bow cards, belt tips, bangles, key FOB, ponytail holders, or other hardware. RABOM is the place to go for these. Check out the vast hardware selection HERE.

Ribbons and Bows Oh My! has all kind of beanies, crochet trims, silk flowers, tulle, resins and appliques. See the wide variety of trims and things.

Let Ribbons and Bows Oh My! do the work of making everything you need to make key FOBS, headbands, shoelaces and specialty silk flowers. They have kits already prepared for you to purchase! I love these kind of things!

One more great thing about Ribbons and Bows Oh My! is their SALES!!!! Who doesn't love a sale? These are the current sales! (Take advantage of them today!)

December 8th-14 -All clips and Hardware on sale 15% off
December 8th-14 - Crochet and nylon headbands 15% off - We will be introducing 10 new colors!

December 9th-12 - Free Giveaway - FEATHERS DIY KIT


Whether you are a lover of ribbon and like to have a little on hand or you buy ribbon and supplies by the truckload, you simply must visit Ribbons and Bows Oh My! The prices are beyond reasonable. The website is easy to navigate and make purchases from. And the products are high quality with a wide variety! Check out Ribbons and Bows Oh My!

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