Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activity. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt Printable

Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt

One of the Christmas traditions we have is going to look at lights around the area. There are actually quite a few houses that go all out with the lights choreographed to music - so those are always fun to see. I think this year, my 6-year-old might be up for a fun scavenger hunt to add to the fun. The Evolution of Mom has a great printable that would be perfect!

Friday, November 14, 2014

2014 Winter Categorically Crafting Party

Welcome to the
Categorically Crafting Show

Categorically Crafting photo PartyImage.png

where you can show off all of your fun ideas for

Please join your crafty post if, and only if, it corresponds with the category and theme of Winter. We would love to see any craft projects, clothing, décor, activities, gift ideas, or food ideas that correlate with Winter! (If it doesn't fit in this specific category though, you are welcome to link it up to Whatever Goes Wednesday.If you have joined a project that fits this theme to a party on my blog before, feel free to add it to this show too! If you have a lot of projects to show off, please choose your favorites. Remember to link to the specific posts, not to your main blog page. This makes it easier for readers to find your awesome ideas.

Let's see what you have created (either recently or in the past)!

This linky will be open until February 28, 2015, so keep checking back for more inspiration!

You can paste the "Categorically Crafting" button onto your blog post. I would love to see these floating around so more people can post their themed projects. Keep checking back for more ideas!!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Scratch & Sniff Painting

Kids Activity Scratch and Sniff Painting

The NY Melrose Family has a fun post for making your own scratch & sniff paints. This would be fun to use when talking about the 5 senses!

See the Scratch & Sniff Paints.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sponge Darts

Sponge Darts

Looking for some ideas to keep the wee ones entertained this summer? The Seasoned Mom has an easy and cheap idea that might even help you stay cool!
See how to play Sponge Darts.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Easy Daily Schedule and Chore Chart

Hey Someday Crafters! I'm here today to kick off the Summer Survival Series for Moms of Boys that The Joys of Boys is running this summer! She has partnered with with tons of great bloggers to bring you tons of great ideas to help you survive the summer. Be sure to check her blog each day to get the latest idea.

It's officially summer here! Our preschool co-op ended about 2 weeks ago, and since then, things have felt a little off. We don't really have any kind of schedule to our days, and I knew we needed to change that in order to survive the summer. My 5-year-old is almost 6, and is headed into kindergarten next year, so I'm trying to instill responsibility that comes with a schedule and daily chores. To do so, I created this simple daily schedule and chore chart. 

I feel like this system is really easy, and totally adaptable to multiple children and different ages. There are 3 parts to this system. First, is the daily schedule. 

The things on this list are what we expect our 5-year-old to do everyday (or every few days, in the case of his bath). These are just what he needs to do in order to be a part of our family. Some of these are done in the morning, and some are done in the evening before bed. 

Each day, he also has some daily chores to do. 

There are 4 spots on this chart. So far I've kept 2 of them as unpaid daily chores. These are mandatory and have to be completed before going outside, playing video games, etc. Then I'll put up 1 or 2 paid chores that he can also choose to do. These don't have to be done, but he can earn the amount listed if he does. He loves earning money (especially quarters), so he's always been willing to do these extra chores. I just change them out each day based on what needs to be done around the house. They're paid according to intensity. Our kitchen is small and usually doesn't take much to sweep, so that's cheaper than something like cleaning the baseboards (which are just done a section at a time, not the whole house, just for reference)

Each of these charts are just in a sheet protector. The daily schedule can just be marked off with a dry erase marker and then erased at the end of each week. The rest of the chore slips are in another sheet protector.

When it's time to pay up, I just go to the change jar and give him his money. I've also considered just slipping the money in the back of the sheet protector so that it's available immediately, but I'm still debating that. So far I've been good about immediate payment. The jar may eventually run out, but it's all the loose change we collected while my husband was working as a waiter. There's about $60 in there, so it will take a while. 

If you'd like to download the PDF file for the schedule and chore system, you can do that here.

If you'd like the editable version so you can adapt this for your children, you can do that here. Please note that with the editable version, the font may not show the same if you don't have the same font downloaded on your computer (it's called CF Jack Story). A different font may cause differences in the design, so please keep that in mind. 

Also, if you're going to share this, please refer them to this post to download it. Please don't share the file or download link without permission from me. 

And don't forget to go check out The Joy of Boys and the rest of the summer survival series. She has so many other great bloggers lined up throughout the summer!

Monday, May 19, 2014

DIY Summer Activity Mason Jars

DIY Summer Activity Mason Jar Decor with Upcycled Pallet Wood by My Paper Craze

I've seen jars of summer activities for the family, but My Paper Craze took it one step further and made jars for each child. They are different ages, genders, and have such different interests that it makes sense. What a cool idea!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

DIY Toddler Weaving Loom

1 - DIY Toddler Weaving Loom by Brave New Home

Brave New Home has a fun weaving activity for your toddler. An older child could even use this for more advanced activities like making patterns.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Glow-in-the-Dark Slime

slime recipe

A Pumpkin and a Princess created this fun glow-in-the-dark creation and is using it as a party favor! My little guy (and the big one too) would go crazy for this!!

Make your own Glow-in-the-Dark Slime.

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