Showing posts with label about me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label about me. Show all posts

Monday, November 3, 2014

Things are about to get all crazy up in here...

So, things are about to get a little crazy around here...

I'm a middle child myself, so please don't be offended by the whole middle child thing.
I totally get how it is to be a middle child and I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings!

When we found out in July that we were expecting, again, it took us completely by surprise. We struggled to conceive for about 3 years before we were finally able to get pregnant with our twins, so we assumed that it would be much the same the next time we were ready. In July, we were still in that sleepless newborn haze and dealing with the emotions of losing one of our twins. Thinking of having more children wasn't even on our radar. But as you can see, God had other plans for us! 
It's actually taken me quite a while to come to terms with being pregnant again so soon after losing Jack. It's worrisome, nerve-wracking, stressful, terrifying, wonderful, beautiful, and exciting all at the same time. We told our family almost immediately, but I'm already 27 weeks and we just made the announcement to everyone else this last week. It was incredibly hard to tell people about this pregnancy. It's hard because I didn't want people joking about having twins again, or lecturing me about how another baby isn't going replace the one we lost. Both of those things actually happened (from our family), so I decided it was just easier to not say anything. But now, at 27 weeks, it's hard to hide the fact that I'm pregnant. However, I'm tall, so baby girl has a lot of room to grow upwards before going outwards. I'm also not anywhere close to being skinny, and no one dares ask the fat girl if she's pregnant or just getting fatter. :) Both of those things worked in my favor this time around!
But, despite all of the emotions that go with being pregnant after a loss, we're excited. I'm finally able to look at all the girlie things on Pinterest and get excited! I'm drooling over bows and blessing dresses. Dreaming of glittered shoes and pink.
So, ready or not, we'll have our little girl here in about 3 months. If I'm lucky, the youngest two will be 13 months apart. If she comes early for some reason, then we could be looking at Irish Twins. It's a good thing Andyroo is such a good helper. Any tips for dealing with kiddos that are so close in age? I need all the help I can get!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Birthday Bash - Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!!


Hey Someday Crafters! It's my birthday week! I'm turning 29 today. It's the last official birthday I'll have, that is, until my children/future daughter turns 29...then I guess I can be 30. ;) Or at least that's the joke in my family. So, since it's my birthday, I thought it would be fun to give something back to our lovely readers. I'm going to do a few fun giveaways throughout the day.

First, I'm giving away a $50 Amazon gift card. I don't know about you, but I love Amazon! I use it for just about everything - birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, and my favorite...DIAPERS!! Just use the Gleam widget below to enter this giveaway.

Second, I'll be giving away a couple more $10 Amazon gift cards on Facebook today. If you're not currently following Someday Crafts on Facebook, you totally should! I'm not sure what time the giveaways will be posted, so be sure to check in throughout the day!

Thanks so much for being a part of the Someday Crafts community and helping to make this blog successful! I'm so blessed to be a part of it!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!!

I just wanted to take a minute today to acknowledge and thank all the fathers out there. Even though my own father isn't in my life, I've had some wonderful father-type figures along the way and I love them dearly for the example and love they've shown me. I'm also grateful for the amazing father that my own children have. He works so hard to provide for us. I'm so grateful that my boys will have such a good example to look up to throughout their lives. I'm also grateful for the grandfathers and great-grandfathers that are in our lives. I never met any of my own grandparents or great-grandparents, so when my husband and I got married, I gained quite a few sets. It's been such a wonderful thing to have grandparents around and involved in our lives!
I hope you're able to take some time today to talk to, honor, or remember the fathers in your life. If you're a dad and you follow along at Someday Crafts - we're grateful you're here! We hope you're able to feel special and loved today.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I just wanted to take a quick minute and wish all of the mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day! It doesn't matter if your children are grown, if you're just starting out, or if you're somewhere in between. Or maybe you've never had the opportunity to have your own, or you've had to send a child back to heaven. We can all be mothers, grand mothers, mother figures, or just the best darn aunties out there.

I feel so blessed to be the mommy of these two littles. They make life crazy and chaotic, but they also make life wonderful. I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything else in the world.

Photo: Frank let Emmett hold one of the wands today. This is what ensued...


Thanks for joining us here at Someday Crafts. We love you all!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Memory Boxes for our Twins

I've written before about how I was expecting twins, how one was stillborn, and how our other little one was in the NICU. He came home about 2 months ago, and we ended up collecting a lot of stuff from his stay in the NICU. Stuff they were just going to get rid of. If a binkie fell on the floor, they would throw them away. So they gave us about 5 binkies as keepsakes. When we brought him home, they gave us the blood pressure cuff they had been using for him and an extra set of leads from his monitors. Things like that. Once they started sending things home with us, I decided I would save things to put in a memory box.


That little teddy bear between them is the one the hospital gave us in the memory box for Jack. He also appeared in quite a few of Emmett's newborn pictures.

I also decided that I would make one for Jack too. His isn't filled with his first outfit or medical supplies, but it includes things like the pamphlet from his funeral services, his hand and foot molds, and pictures from the nurse and photographer. Not quite as happy, but it was quite healing to work on it. There were only 6 of us (not including the doctor and nurses) that held him, and it was nice to have a collection of tangible things from his life.

 I found these boxes at Michaels for buy one get one free and grabbed some pearlized pins to hold everything together inside the box.
I played with the layout quite a bit, trying to get everything to look right. I didn't want it to just look like things were thrown together, but rather I wanted there to be something cohesive about it. I love that I was able to fit in the hand and foot molds. Until I put them in here, they were stored away in a box, and I felt so sad every time I thought of them. Having them out to see makes me much happier.

I absolutely love them. I especially love the 2 photos of Emmett. One is from after he was first born, weighing around 2lbs 11oz. The second is a couple of days before he came home when he was about 5.5lbs. It's such a sweet reminder of our little miracle.

These will be displayed in my little guy's nursery, which I'm slowly finishing. I've got a few pieces of décor finished that I'll be showing off soon!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

I just wanted to take a quick minute to wish you all a Happy Easter! I'm taking the day to spend time with my little family. I hope you're able to do the same and spend time with friends, family, and loved ones.
Happy Easter from the Easter Beagle!
Thanks for being a part of Someday Crafts! Hopefully you're enjoying all the ideas, inspiration, tutorials and other blogs you've found here.

While you're here, don't forget about the giveaway for the $165 Amazon gift card. You've got about 5 days left to enter!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Improve Your Year! Improve Your Finances!

Hi!  It's Michelle!  
Remember me?  
I used to run this blog to help with my family finances and then my life changed!  I joined Paparazzi Accessories, a newer direct sales company, and my finances improved dramatically.  It's pretty amazing what can happen when you offer cute, $5 accessories to the world!  Women LOVE it! 

I love being able to save women money.  With Paparazzi, women can have fabulous fashion on a budget instead of paying for similar styles with higher prices.  Score!  
Everything is ONLY $5. 

Even the matching necklace/earring sets.   Only $5!!!! 
Beauty on a budget! 

The best part about hooking women up with these cute accessories is 
being paid a 45% commission!  I make $2.25 per piece.  When I sell 50 pieces at a party, I make over $100 profit.  It adds up!   I can take care of the little bills AND the big bills!

There are SO MANY ways to sell Paparazzi!
Home Parties
Facebook Parties
Basket Parties
Work/Business Offices
Events (Boutiques, Fairs, Bazaars, etc.)
Trunk Shows
Retail Stores

I have teammates who are paying their grocery bills and/or house payments by doing Facebook parties!  It's really fun to see!!!  If you want to be invited to a Facebook party to see how they are done or to purchase any jewelry, let me know and I will invite you to one.  Email me at or go to this link for one going on right now.

For the month of January, Paparazzi Accessories is offering a great deal on starter kits.   When you buy a kit, you get a credit of up to $500 to spend on your next order(s).  That means you earn 100% commission on the jewelry you get for FREE with your credit!   That's a great way to start out the year!

"New Consultants who purchase a Starter Kit during the month of January will have a credit added to their account that can be used towards a future purchase!*  This credit can be used to replenish inventory, stock up on business tools, or pick up some Paparazzi-branded apparel – it’s entirely up to them!
  • Small Home Party Kits ($300) = $50 credit
  • Large Home Party Kit ($700) = $125 credit
  • Small Boutique Starter Kit ($1400) = $250 credit**
  • Small Event Starter Kit ($2750) = $500 credit**"

Are you curious?  Would you like to improve your finances - even slightly?  Or do you know someone  who is looking to earn some money?  I can teach you how.  I have supported my family of 5 on my Paparazzi jewelry business for over 18 months.

To read more about Paparazzi Accessories, the January promotion, or me, head over to my 2 blogs about my business. has a lot more info about joining as a consultant. has lots of ideas for consultants.

OR feel free to call me on the phone and I can talk with you more about Paparazzi jewelry.  My number is 435-610-1609.  For an information packet, email me at

I would love to help you improve your finances by offering women a great deal on accessories.

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