Showing posts with label other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label other. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If There Was An Inspirational Movie Made About Craft/Decor Bloggers.....

I love me a good inspirational story or movie. One that makes me cry. One that makes me grateful for the life I have (especially when I am having a bad day or a pity party!) Maybe you are having an "episode" and are in need of some inspiration. Maybe you just want something to help you remember your blessings. Maybe you just want to know that good still abounds all around us in the world and hard/sad things can be made happy.
Well, I have just the inspirational story for you. If Hollywood wanted to make an inspirational movie about a craft/home decor blogger, Laura from Decore To Adore, would be the perfect candidate for such. Grab a box of tissues and head over HERE to read her story!!! What a lady! What a story! And because she is so modest, she turned off the comments! So leave a comment on this post HERE and listen to another inspirational song "You Raise Me Up" while you are leaving that comment! I've read her post through three times already and have cried all three times.

Thanks, Laura for raising me up today!!! You are ROCK!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Learn To Walk" Belt

Give your back and arms a break by making a "learn to walk" belt for your soon-to-be-walking baby. This gadget assists you with supporting your child without straining your body too much. Check out the tutorial on Make It and Love It.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Flip Flop Fly Swatter

When flip flops go on clearance, grab an extra pair and make some adorable fly swatters. This idea is brought to you by Ramblings of a Crazy Woman.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Luggage Tag

Make an original luggage tag to set you apart from the rest of the travelers at the airport (and to be cute!) Find out how at Hagner San Jose.

Altered Puzzle Pieces

Make those random puzzle pieces useful by altering them with scrapbook paper. Find the tutorial and ideas of what else to do with them at Mel's Own Place.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beautified Reusuable Grocery Bags

Go food shopping in style by turning your reuseable grocery bags into an art piece. Wouldn't these babies be beautiful to tote around full of groceries? Nap Time Journal has the tutorial!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Envelope Purse

Maya Made has the tutorial to make these cute little envelope purses. Perfect sizes for little first aid kits, favors, presents, and anything else small.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lettered Beanbags

Teaching your child to spell? Learning about letters? Decorating a kid's room? Starting a pre-school? Make these adorably smart beanbag with letters on them to assist in anything to do with kids!!! Lil Blue Boo is the inspiration behind this idea!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Felted Soap

Learn to make felted soap (so you have soap and a washcloth in one) at Little Birdie Secrets. Great idea for the kiddos!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

PVC Pipe Frame

Make a fun and interesting frame out of PVC pipe! Check Do It Yourself for the instructions.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Shudder Gone Coat Rack

Look how creative Hozian, Inc. is. She turned an old shudder sideways and made it a coat rack/ peg board with pictures! Cute!

Elastic Bookmarks

These are the coolest bookmarks I have ever seen! Use elastic to keep the bookmark in place. The Creative Itch shows cute ideas and Applehead gives us the tutorial.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bouncy Ball and Light Saber Swords

(I can never get to move the pictures from The IDEA ROOM. You will just have to click on the links to see the pictures.) Learn how to make your own bouncy balls and light saber swords.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Princess Ribbon Wand

All princesses and fairies need a wand. Little Birdie Secrets explains the process for making the perfect girlie ribbon wand for your darlings princesses. Learn to "bake" ribbon to make hair bows, too!

Kids Time Capsule

Make a time capsule at your babies' birth (or any other event) for them to open on their 18 birthday! Find out how at The Rindy Family.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Record Bowl

Naptime Crafts shares the secret for turning your old records into trendy bowls for decorating or filling with candy!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rubberband Shooter

This is every boy's dream - a rubberband shooter. Roots and Wings will help their dreams come true by this rubberband shooter tutorial!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

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