I just wanted to take a minute today to acknowledge and thank all the fathers out there. Even though my own father isn't in my life, I've had some wonderful father-type figures along the way and I love them dearly for the example and love they've shown me. I'm also grateful for the amazing father that my own children have. He works so hard to provide for us. I'm so grateful that my boys will have such a good example to look up to throughout their lives. I'm also grateful for the grandfathers and great-grandfathers that are in our lives. I never met any of my own grandparents or great-grandparents, so when my husband and I got married, I gained quite a few sets. It's been such a wonderful thing to have grandparents around and involved in our lives!
I hope you're able to take some time today to talk to, honor, or remember the fathers in your life. If you're a dad and you follow along at Someday Crafts - we're grateful you're here! We hope you're able to feel special and loved today.