torsdag, februar 28, 2008

My ironing place (s)

In Libby's blog there was a competition about showing out Ironing boards. Well here are mine:
First the most used one, and oldest. Bought back in 1987 and used ever since. I now have it next to my sewing-machine, uses it while piecing blocks, or making pieces ready for applique. So it's full of vlisofix and I would not like to iron DH's white shirts on it. If anybody knows where to get a new one I would like to know.

Second is my regular ironing board, only a couple of years old, and ready to be exhanged.I use this one for bigger tops, fabric and clothes.

And last - a small "pillow" from a kitchen chair - which I bring for classes, or if I am doing some "small" sewing upstairs. Uses this one with a small "travel-size" iron.

mandag, februar 25, 2008

Some sewing - but not for me

Today became another type of sewing-evening for me. Went over to my youngest school at 5.p.m to teach stitchery to some 12 year old's. That went very well, and we are having a new group for tomorrow. Sorry - but I forgot to take pictures.
Back home first some relaxing, and now I had to check my calendar at the computer, so while starting up the computer I ironed vlisofix (heat'n bound -like) on the back of the rest of the pieces for the bee-set. No it's almost bedtime - so I guess I will shut down and go upstairs again.

søndag, februar 24, 2008


More jippi - feels so good to use the rest of a fabric. For this UFO i have used the last part of three fabrics. This is what is left..

This UFO consists of One table runner, a pair og pot-holders, ane small table-topper and one even smaller...

This is how far I came today, with the already prepaired applique-parts. Now I will have to dig through my stash to fins some more of the same fabrics, to make more bee's and other parts.

And while I was having the quilt-spirit - I loaded the frame with another one..

Mere JIPPI - det føles så deilig å bruke opp ett stoff, og nå fikk jeg gjort kål på hele tre stk på en gang. Settet består av grytekluter, liten og stor duk/brikke og en løper. Så langt kom jeg i dag, med de påtegna applikasjons-bitene. Nå må jeg på leiting for å finne igjen stoffene så jeg får lagd bikuber, bier og greiner på de to
dukene/brikkene i nogenlunde samme farver.

Og mens jeg var i farta med maskinquiltinga, og hadde ett par ekstra hender hjemme, monterte jeg likegodt en quilt til i ramma. Skal IKKE starte på den i dag. Lover!

Jippi - found an UFO

I felt like starting something smaller now, after working on these big quilts this weekend. Digged out a pattern - and WOW - it's not only a pattern, but an UFO. I had prepared for cutting out pieces, vlisofix drawn and glued to the back of fabrics.
Pattern in signed Artic quilter 2006 , so I guess these pieces have been like this since then.

And then I would like to say Thank You to all of you who puts lovely little comments to my blog - that means a lot!

Hurra, jeg fant en UFO!Etter disse storer teppene følte jeg nå for å starte på noe enklere og mindre. Fant fram en gammelt mønster -og hurra - det var en UFO - hadde tegna på og limt fast vlisofixen på alle applikasjonsbitene allerede. Så "slapp jeg" å begynne på noe nytt. Skal tro om jeg har flere slike som jeg ikke husker? Mønsteret er signert "artic quilter 2006" så jeg gjetter på at den har ligget like lenge. Og hvordan den har unnsluppet UFO-lista mi kan jeg ikke skjønne....

Og så vil jeg takke alle som legger igjen koselige kommentarer i bloggen min - hurra for dere! Slik varmer masse.

Progress on green 4-patch

Today I have been working on the green 4-patch. Started at 9.a.m this morning with joining back, and ironing back and top. At 10.30 the quilt was mounted in the frame. And now at 2.30 p.m the quilting is done. Feels so good to have quilted two oldies in one weekend.

Just figured out the quilt consists of 130 blocks,, each has 10 pieces, that means 1300 pieces in this quilt, plus the ones for the borders...
And it is all made out of my tinyest scraps - so no serial sewing here.

UFO #5 done!

Here is a picture of my UFO number 5, started last December. Pattern from Wenche at Northernquilts. Had some trouble finding out how to make the bottom part of it.

lørdag, februar 23, 2008

Russian babuska's 3

Finished the bindings on the Russian Babuska's from AnnAKa yesterday, and the quilting on the blue brown disappearing 9-patch rigth now.

fredag, februar 22, 2008

Working on Ufo's

This week I have been digging out some UFO's - trying to make my UFO-number smaller.

I have finally installed the blue 9-patch-quilt into the inspira-frame

And putted borders on the christmas -stitchery from Wenche at northern quilts.
I have also worked on two new items - the babuska's and the flower-circle's

May-Britt has given me this beautiful award. Thank you!!

The rules for the "You Make My Day" award, are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know through an email or posting to their blog so they can pass it on. You may get the award more than once, so if you do, consider yourself very loved! So pass it on!!! In no particular order is my list of ten Who Make my Day!!!

I want to forward this award to Hanne , Sigrun , May-Britt , Merete , Wenche , Kari , Elisabeth Mary , Leanne and 9na

Hanne because she got me into blogging - long time ago - and all you others because I just love to follow your blogs.

torsdag, februar 21, 2008








søndag, februar 17, 2008

Russian babuska's 2

Med applikeringen nesten ferdig, må lete etter den svarte tråden før jeg får sydd fast håret

Russian babuskas

Or do these doll's have another name?
Anyway I started a new tablerunner a few days ago. First a lot of pinweels - sewn on paper - they got a bit bigger than the ones on the pattern - but who cares.

So the applique-parts - faces made of tea-dyed muslin, cheecs colored whith crayola crayons, and ironed well afterwards.

I am no going to mowe the dolls over to the runner, more posts to follow later.

Nå har jeg gått løs på ett av de siste mønstrene fra AnnaKa. Russiske dukker og vindmøller - sistnevnte sydd på papir. Ansiktene er laget av te-farga muslin, og kinnene farvelagt med crayola kritt - hadde masse pakker barna har fått på div flyturer.

Selve løperen har nye bunnstoffer, og japanere som vindmøller.

Nå skal dukkene over på løperen - flere poster følger etterhvert.

onsdag, februar 13, 2008

February goal #1 reached

Finished the top in pink/brown today. I must admit I really got inspired both of the fabrics I bought the other day, and from this picture at Lappesol's blog
Fikk ferdig en topp i rosa og brunt i dag. Må jo bare innrømme at jeg ble veldig inspirert av de stoffene jeg kjøpte for noen dager siden, sammen med dette
bildet i Sol sin blog

Så da har jeg fått klar tre stk topper til quilting hittil denne uka.

tirsdag, februar 12, 2008

Borders and test-blocks

Yesterday I had a good time sewing with friends. I used the floor and got the borders on this green quilt. And managed to use the rest of three fabrics.

I also intended to get the blocks from last weeks quilt-class together, but had forgotten one of the fabrics at home. Well now it's on, and ready to be quilted.

lørdag, februar 09, 2008

New Fabrics

Yesterday I just HAD TO buy some new fabrics. Planned a project, washed fabrics and have cutted them today, and started sewing. Fun to play with almost all new fabrics after all this UFO-working.

I går bare MÅTTE jeg kjøpe noen stoffer som syskrinet Heimdal hadde fått inn. Vaska stoffene og planla prosjektet i går. Har nå strøket dem, funent fram noen flrer brune fra skapet her, kuttet og startet å sy.

onsdag, februar 06, 2008

A new stitcheri

Last weekend I joined the last blocks on my Carolina Crossroads, and digged out this green 4-patch. Found out it needs one row more. So I had to dig out some fabrics as well.

Last days I have been a little lazy - no trips donwstairs to sewing-room - so only worked a bit on DH's bunadskjorte and this stitcheri

Quilt class last weekend

Last weekend I took a quilt-class with Rie Norum. We where 14 ladys having a wonderful time together. Even thou we had a lot of trouble with the patches, we also had a lot of fun together.

Sist helg var jeg på kurs på quiltegården med Rie Norum. Vi kunne sy enten festfin frøken eller "som i gamle dager" fra boka Quiltegleder som hun har gitt ut i lag med Hilde Krogh. Selv hadde jeg mere sansen for å forsøke meg på flere blokker fra boka, så hos meg ble det mest prøvelapper. Lurer på om jeg skal selge disse 4 - det må bli en durabelig stykkpris med 850 i kursavgift og 11 timer på kurs.

Vi var 14 damer som kosa oss masse i lag med Rie , Siw og Inger Marie, masse god mat, flotte lokaler og latteren hang i veggene hele tida, selv om vi streva med å sy bua sømmer på maskin, og stadig vekk glemte å "tegne streken".