It's been over two weeks now and I keep waiting for the sheer volume of cicadas to start winding hasn't happened yet! They just keep multiplying. At first I was patient and curious about these red-eyed insects, but now my patience is wearing thin and I'm ready for them to be gone! They are literally everywhere and I can't walk outside without hearing the "crunch" as I step on their exoskeletons. They are perched on every available leaf of every tree, flower, and bush. My dog ferociously eats them like they're candy. And the noise...I wish I could capture the noise with these photos! It gets louder every day. The worst is at night when I take the dog out and the cicadas are literally everywhere, including perched all over our yard's gate and latch. *shudder* Our local paper has been getting inquiries in our community about the "constant alarm sound that sounds like alien spaceships landing". That's a pretty good description of what we're hearing all day long! Thankfully, they stop "singing" at night.
We have at least several more weeks to go...once very seventeen years is most definitely enough.