I took an old chair that belonged to my maternal great-grandparents from my mom and converted it to a planter as a surprise for her. She knew I was going to makeover the chair but she thought I was keeping it at my house. She did not know it was for her. This one was pretty easy to convert. The original chair had a leather seat that has long been missing so there was already a square cut in the middle. I just had to find a pot to fit in the hole. Let me correct myself. My hubby did the painting and found the pot. I planted the flower once he was finished. Here's the chair when we started. You'll notice in some of the photos that it has been reinforced in some places, like with a piece of wire tied around the edge. My hubby thought that added character and texture so he left some of that in place or put it back after he was finished painting. My grandmother is likely the one who added the reinforcements. Wire put back in place for cha...