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Showing posts with the label placemats

15 Thanksgiving turkey crafts

Turkey for you, turkey for me.... It's getting closer. We had one of our Thanksgiving celebrations this past weekend. One more to go. Put a whimsical touch on your Thanksgiving decor and celebrations with these turkey crafts.

Fall pillows from placemats and dish towels

I hope everyone in the area of Sandy is safe and recovering. I've been a little quiet since Halloween, but Halloween is very busy for us, so not much else got accomplished last week and then we had to recover! I finally got a chance to move on to some fall projects this weekend, and I've packed up Halloween and replaced it with fall/thanksgiving items. I'll be sharing some of that later. I replaced the summer back porch items with fall items, and once again, I made pillows from placemats. I found these placemats at Tuesday Morning and knew they would be perfect for fall. These are the easiest pillows ever- just pick out a small section of the seam on a double thickness placemat and stuff with polyfill. Sew your section back up and you are good to go. I also found this fun striped dish towel at Tuesday Morning and loved that it coordinated with my green pillows and still has a fall feel. I was going to make a pillow like these   with two dish towels but the...

Placemat pillows

Hi and welcome to my new followers. Sorry I'm late with this week's Tried It out Thursday. Sometimes life just gets in the way.  I was browsing in Tuesday Morning a few weeks ago and found the perfect placemats for making pillows. Just the color I want to use on my back porch and one has butterflies too. Even better is the fact that one has a pattern on both sides and one has a solid back so I have reversible pillows for more options. These are so easy to make. Use placemats that have two layers of materials. Pick one end, or part of it, open with a seam ripper and fill with fiberfill or quilt batting. Sew the end closed again. I love easy projects like this that allow me instant gratification and satisfaction over completing something- and saving money too. The mats were only a couple of dollars each. Sharing here: Think Pink Sundays ** Under the Table and Dreaming * Sundae Scoop * Creative Bloggers Party and Hop * Craftomaniac Monday * Make the S...

Fourth of July star applique placemats

This is a fairly easy project to dress up plain placemats for the Fourth of July (or Memorial Day) holiday. You'll need a placemat- fabric or the woven plastic kind from the Dollar Tree. I chose the plastic ones from the Dollar Tree because I would be using them outside. Find a star template and some red, white and blue fabric scraps. I had a plastic scrapbooking template but you could draw your own or download one from the net. Using your template, trace stars on fabric. Cut out. Stitch your stars to your mats with embroidery thread. Done. Easy. Here's a couple of close ups of my mats. I'll be sharing here: Think Pink Sundays ** Under the Table and Dreaming * Sundae Scoop * Creative Bloggers Party and Hop * Craftomaniac Monday * Make the Scene Monday * Making the World Cuter * Just Something I Whipped Up at TGC * Masterpiece Monday * Motivate Me Monday * Inspire Me Monday * Market Yourself Mondays at Sumo’s Sweet Stuff * Pink Hippo Party * More The Merri...