You may have noticed my ornament topiary in my last post about my window wreaths. That was another project that was on my list last year. I was inspired by these at BHG because they were in my color scheme. I set out to make one this year. I didn't follow the directions at BHG. Instead, I did a little more searching and then just did it my way. Most people suggest painting your stryofoam ball in a complimentary color first. I skipped this step because I was in a hurry, but I do recommend you do that. I used a 4 in styrofoam ball, 3 different size ornaments and a glitter pick. I also used a dowel rod which I covered in washi tape and a planter from the dollar tree. My planter was originally bronze, but with a few coats of spray paint it became silver. You also need some foam for the planter and something to cover it with. I used moss and blue glass pebbles. The pebbles give the bottom some weight. I think this makes a much better centerpiece f...