I've got another fabulous crafter, blogger, and etsy shop owner to highlight for you today- Laura from Laugh, Love, and Craft . She shared this about herself with me: "I taught for 3 1/2 years before having my daughter Estelle. I have always loved crafting, but didn't really get into it until after her birth. I now stay at home with her and get to be creative through my blog and etsy. I started creating things for Estelle to wear, and then decided to sell them. Many of the things for sale on my etsy site include pacifier clips, hair bows, customized onesies, and a few other things. My blog focuses on crafting, coupons, recipes, and scrapbooking. I love sharing what I do, and learning from others. " Over in her shop you'll find adorable hair clips for you or the little one. Pink and Green Flower Hair Clip