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Showing posts with the label container gardens

Back porch makeover

I've kept you in suspense too long. I said I'd be sharing my back porch makeover, so here it is. I started with a blank pallette, with the exception of the furniture we've had for a few years. All we had was the furniture. No plants, no personality. We did have a light up palm tree, but that was it. You can tell from the top picture that the first thing I did was go to Lowe's and get some plants to create some container gardens. It was already late in the season, so there wasn't much to choose from but I got some container garden fill-ins for 50% off. Just plop them in a pot and you are done. I got some other plants as well to create my own mix. ( Bella was also helping me lay everything out.) Here's another before shot. Now here's those plants: I picked up the cute little chair plant stand at Wal-Mart. The flip flop candle holder and butterfly lantern came from Pier One. I bought them when I was shopping for the front porch makeover...