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Showing posts with the label card drive

Challenges for a cause

I love it when I can play in a challenge and have a cause and purpose for my card. I love to give my cards away and know someone might be touched. Taylored Expressions is having a card drive. Here is an excerpt from her blog- "In an effort to be a blessing to families experiencing a deep loss, Taylored Expressions is excited to host the Dragonfly Card Drive! My sister-in-law and a high school friend both work as labor and delivery nurses at Sanford Medical Center in Sioux Falls, SD. When they told me about the wonderful work they're doing for parents suffering the loss of a newborn, I knew we could help! The cards we gather will be donated to the Neonatal Intensive Care nurses where they use the dragonfly as a symbol of hope for families who have lost a child during delivery or in the early stages of life. Families are given a dragonfly card while they are in the hospital as something to hold on to, cherish, and comfort them after the quiet time spent with their son or daughte...